    毕业论文关键词: 铋酸盐玻璃;拉曼和XPS谱;能量带隙,Pr3+闪烁性能
    Spectroscopic, Structure and Scintillation Properties of Bismuth glass
     Bismuth glass is a kind of HMO glasses, which mainly consists of bismuth oxide polyhedron network units. This glass is characterized by high density、high refractive index、low melting temperature、excellent optical nonlinear effect and good infrared transmission capacity. In addition, this glass possesses the low phonon energy level which can efficiently reduce the nonradiative transition probability of the excited states. In this paper, the Bi2O3-B2O3-TiO2 (BBT) glass and Pr3+ doped Bi2O3-B2O3 glass are synthesized through normal melt-quenching method. The physical、thermal、optical and structural properties of as-made glass are systematic analyzed. the experimental results demonstrate that the density、refractive index、absorption cutting edge in UV and mid-IR region gradually increase with the addition of TiO2. The allowed direct and indirect transition energy gap values are also calculated. Raman spectra and XPS spectra show that, with the increasing TiO2 content, [BO4] tetrahedral are converted into [BO3] trigonal. The spectroscopic properties of Pr3+ doped Bi2O3-B2O3 glass are studied, and the luminescence signals can’t be obtained pumped by 450 nm、470 nm and 485 nm LD.
    Keywords:  Bismuth glass; energy gap; Raman and XPS spectra; Pr3+ doped
     目 录
    1 引言    1
    1.1 铋酸盐玻璃    1
    1.1.1 重金属氧化物玻璃    1
    1.1.2 铋酸盐玻璃的结构    2
    1.1.3 铋酸盐玻璃的三阶非线性性质    3
    1.2 闪烁玻璃    4
    1.3 本课题设计的研究思路和研究内容    5
    2 实验方法    6
    2.1 样品制备    6
    2.2 性质测试    6
    2.2.1 密度测试    6
    2.2.2 热分析    6
    2.2.3 透过光谱    6
    2.2.4 Raman光谱    7
    2.2.5 XPS光谱    7
    2.2.6 激发和发射光谱    7
    3 结果分析    8
    3.1密度,折射率,能量带隙和热学性能分析    8
    3.2 玻璃的光学透过谱和光学带隙    12
    3.3 玻璃的Raman光谱和XPS光谱    15
    3.4 掺Pr3+的Bi2O3-B2O3玻璃的光谱性质    19
    4 结论    22
    致    谢    23
    参考文献    24
    1.1 铋酸盐玻璃
    铋酸盐玻璃是一种重金属氧化物玻璃,一般以为它是以Bi2O3(摩尔组分 50%)为主要网络结构形成体,同时引入传统或非传统网络形成体氧化物。这些氧化物可以是二元,三元甚至四元系统。
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