    毕业论文关键词: 生物沥青;废旧氨纶;醇解;改性
    Study of the scrap filament spandex Modified Biological asphalt
    Abstract: With the concern of the draining of the limited fossil energy and the renewable resources, the value of biomass resources has been heavily concerned by the advantage of reproducible, abundant resources and wide spreading .In road building, the traditional asphalt has many disadvantages: consuming too many resources; letting out too much poisonous gas,etc.Then,the value of Modified Biological asphalt becomes very important.it not only solves many existing problems of Modified Biological asphalt,but also plays an active role in recycling resources.This paper mains to mix scrap spandex with Modified Biological asphalt by the high-speed shearing and test each performance before and after alcoholizing to find the most suitable modified conditions to make it enough to take place of effect of the traditional asphalt in road building.
    Keywords: Modified Biological asphalt; scrap spandex; alcoholics;modified
    1 绪论    6
    1.1 生物沥青的概述    6
    1.1.1 沥青简介    6
    1.1.2 生物沥青    6
    1.1.3 生物质能    2
    1.1.4 生物质能研究开发技术概况    2
    1.1.5 生物沥青研究现状及发展前景    5
    1.2 废旧氨纶丝    6
    1.2.1 废旧氨纶丝的醇解    6
    1.2.2 醇解机理    7
    1.3 本课题的目的和意义    8
    1.3.1 课题研究的目的    8
    1.3.2 课题研究的意义    9
    1.3.3 研究内容    9
    2 实验部分    9
    2.1 实验原理    9
    2.2 实验原料    10
    2.3 实验设备    10
    2.4 实验步骤    10
    2.4.1 氨纶醇解    10
    2.4.2 羟值测定    10
    2.4.3 生物沥青改性    12
    2.5 实验结果检测    13
    2.5.1 粘度测定    13
    2.5.2 相容性测定    13
    2.5.3 红外测定    13
    2.5.4 GC-MS数据分析    13
    2.5.5 H1-NMR核磁共振氢谱分析    13
    3 结果与论述    14
    3.1 原料的性能表征    14
    3.1.1 生物沥青的粘度测定结果与分析    14
    3.1.2 生物沥青的相容性测定结果与分析    14
    3.1.3 生物沥青的红外测定结果与分析    15
    3.1.4 生物沥青的GC-MS数据分析    16
    3.1.5 生物质沥青H1-NMR核磁共振氢谱结果与分析    19
    3.2 产物的性能表征    21
    3.2.1 产物粘度的结果与分析    21
    3.2.2 产物的相容性测定结果与分析    23
    3.2.3 产物的红外测定结果与分析    24
    4 结论    28
    5 致谢    28
    6 参考文献    28

    1    绪论
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