    关键字  位错  晶界  分子动力学  解理断裂能
    Title    The interaction between grain boundaries and dislocations  in pure tungsten
    To understand the interaction of dislocations and grain boundaries in BCC metal at atomic-level, a computer simulation study was carried out based on molecular dynamics method. In this work we take tungsten as research object. Molecular dynamics method, besides classical potential models and cleavage fracture energy are introduced briefly. And some simple dislocation theory is also described, such as the category of dislocation, the Burgers vector as well as dislocation motion. From the simulation results,The following results are obtained: (1) At the beginning of the process of tension, the elastic deformation is characterized, and twin grains are formed at grain boundary, the plastic deformation occurs; (2) Dislocations move in the direction of grain boundary under applied stress gradually, and been absorbed. And then in the other half of the crystal stimulate dislocation emission of different slip plane and slip direction, the grain boundaries at the same time produce residual dislocation, to ensure the Burgers vector before and after are equilibrium; (3) The applied shear stress makes the dislocation to move gradually to the grain boundary and the energy increases, then the grain boundary stabilized gradually after the dislocation emission.
    Keywords  dislocation  grain boundary  molecular dynamics   cleavage fracture energy
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究目的及意义    1
    1.2  晶体的晶界模型    2
    1.2.1  晶体的界面结构    2
    1.2.2  晶界对材料的影响    2
    1.2.3  重合位置点阵(CSL模型)    2
    1.3  位错    3
    1.3.1  刃型位错    4
    1.3.2  螺位错    4
    1.3.3  柏氏矢量    5
    1.4  国内外研究情况    6
    2  分子动力学方法    8
    2.1  基本原理    8
    2.2  边界条件    8
    2.3  基本方程式    9
    2.4  MD模拟的基本步骤    11
    3  势函数的选取    12
    3.1  常见势函数模型    12
    3.2  纯W的势函数    14
    4  晶界模型建立及能量计算    15
    4.1  模型建立    15
    4.2  能量的计算    18
    4.2.1  内聚能    18
    4.2.2  晶界能    19
    4.2.3  模拟拉伸和晶界解理断裂能    20
    5  位错与晶界相互作用分子动力学模拟    25
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