    Title   Performance control of GaN-ZnO heterojunction   light emitting diode                              
    n-ZnO/p-GaN is considered as the optimal heterojunction structure  because
    lattice mismatch rate of ZnO and GaN is only 1.9%. h-BN is suitable to be used
    as the electron blocking layer for its characteristics of wide band gap and low
    electron affinity. This paper is concentrated on n-ZnO/p-GaN heterojunction,
    and the results are as following:
    1. Fabrication  of n-ZnO/p-GaN and n-ZnO/h-BN/p-GaN heterojunction LEDs.
    Commercial p-GaN on a sapphire substrate was used as the substrate. Magnetron
    sputtering  was utilized in order to grow ZnO thin films and grown  h-BN was
    transferred to p-GaN substrate. After annealing process and fabrication of ohm
    contacts, the complete devices were obtained.  With the scanning electron
    microscope and the X-ray diffraction, the quality of deposited films were tested
    and proved to exhibit some preferred orientation.
    2. I-V curve and EL spectra of two kinds of devices were tested. Two structures
    showed good rectifying characteristics and increased turn-on voltage.
    Compared with the EL spectra, the electroluminescence properties have been
    studied. It turned out that emission peaks ware blue-shifted and FWHMs were
    reduced.  With h-BN inserted as electron blocking layer, the blue-violet
    emissions from ZnO layer has been understood by  analyzing  the energy band
    Keywords    n-ZnO/p-GaN  heterojunction;n-ZnO/h-BN/p-GaN heterojunction;Electron
    blocking layer;Electroluminescence.
    1   绪论    1
    1.1  LED概述    1
    1.2  n-ZnO/p-GaN异质结  LED研究进展    4
    1.3   论文的选题意义与研究内容  .  8
    2  ZnO/GaN 异质结 LED 的制备及表征  .  10
    2.1  n-ZnO/p-GaN异质结发光二极管的制备  .  10
    2.2  n-ZnO/h-BN/p-GaN 异质结发光二极管的制备  . 11
    2.3   器件的表征手段  .  12
    3   实验结果及其分析    16
    3.1  h-BN薄膜的表征  .  16
    3.2   扫描电镜结果分析  .  18
    3.3  XRD 结果分析  .  20
    3.4   拉曼光谱(Raman)结果分析 .  21
    3.5   光致发光(PL)结果分析    23
    3.6   器件的 I-V曲线和 EL图谱    24
    3.7   器件正向偏压下的发光原理  .  26
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