    摘要作为一种特殊的语言翻译模式,字幕是电影和观众之间的沟通桥梁。电影翻译中,译者应遵循关联翻译理论。根据关联原则,翻译应该表达出原文的意图和相关信息,从目标受众的特定认知环境出发,做出正确的假设或期望的。所以,译者可以采取适当的翻译策略来确保目标受众能获得最大的语境效果,以最小的努力,从而达到提高通信效率的最佳关联。本研究的结果说明了关联理论对于中文电影字幕的翻译有着巨大的影响及有效效果。   28442
    毕业论文关键词  字幕翻译   关联理论  最佳关联   翻译策略 
    Title A Relevance Theoretical Approach to the Translation of Film Subtitles  Abstract As a particular language translation mode, subtitle is a communication bridge between the film and the audience. In film translation, translators should follow the relevance translation theory. Based on the relevance principle, the translation should express the original intention and related information correctly to make a correct assumption or expectation to target audiences from their specific cognitive environment, so that the translators can take suitable translation strategies to make sure that target audiences could obtain maxi-mum contextual effects with minimum effort, so as to achieve the optimal relevance to improve the communication efficiency.  
    Keywords    subtitles translation; relevance theory; optimal relevance; translation strategies
     目   次  
    1  Introduction.......1
    1.1  Introduction Background.......1
    1.2 Significance ...1
    2 Literature Review .........3
    2.1 Overview of Film Subtitles ..3
    2.2 Features of Chinese Film Subtitling...3
    2.3 Domestic Research Situation of Film Subtitling3
    3 Relevance Theory..5
    3.1 Overview of Relevance Theory..5
    3.1.1Two principles of Relevance Theory....5
    3.1.2 Context Theory in Relevance Theory.6
    3.2 Relevance-Theoretic Translation Theory...7
    3.2.1 Translation as an Act of Cross-cultural Communication.7
    3.2.2 The Development of the Relevance-Theoretic Translation Theory in China..8
    4 Relevance Theory and Film Subtitle Translation..9
    4.1 Context Relevance..9
    4.2 Cultural Relevance.9
    4.3 Recipient Relevance.10
    5  Translation  Strategies.....11
    5.1 Condensation Method.11
    5.2 Domestication Method.11
    5.3 Implication to Explication12
    5.4 Substitution Method.12
    Conclusion .14
    Acknowledgement .15
    1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction Background Nowadays, more and more foreign films are entering into Chinese market. At the same time, Chinese films are becoming more and more popular in the world. Film industry is facing a huge market. To audiences, no matter which country the films are from, language is a common problem for them to totally understand the foreign films. Usually, we have two ways  to solve this problem: dubbing and subtitles. Dubbing or post-synchronization, is defined as ―the replacement of the original speech by a voice track with attempts to follow as closely as possible the timing, phrasing and lip movements of the original dialogue‖(Baker,2004:75) Before, most of the foreign films which entered into Chinese were dubbing. However, we find that it has big difference than the original foreign films. Most of the time, they can’t express the emotions correctly, so that it influences  the effect of the original films and hurts  the mood of viewers. Besides, with the international process of English, more and more Chinese people are attending to learn English while foreign films subtitle is good way for them to learn. In  addition, dubbing is more expensive than subtitle translation. Also, dubbing takes more time than subtitle translation. So, we’re now  inclined  to watch foreign films with subtitles other than dubbing films. For example, the Hollywood films which are popular with audience around the world are always translated into different languages to satisfy the different markets with different mother language. Like these  Hollywood  films,  with the internationalization, Chinese films are in a great need of subtitle translation. Most of the Chinese films now have English subtitles  
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