    摘要固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC,以下简称 SOFC)是当前普遍研究的一类燃料电池。ABO3型钙钛矿氧化物因为其结构提供的良好的导电性和适当的氧空位含量,成为中低温型SOFC 的常用阴极材料。通过浸渍法将纳米粒子修饰在阴极上,不仅可以降低基体 LNF 材料的烧结温度,同时也能大幅度的提升其电化学活性。本论文主要研究了纳米粒子通过浸渍法修饰阴极对于 SOFC 的结构以及电性能的影响。选择Sm0.2Ce0.8O2-δ(SDC)作电解质,LaNi0.6 Fe0.4O3-δ(LNF)作为阴极材料,在此基础上,本论文提出选用浸渍 Ba0.5Sr0.5 Co(BSC)使之得到 LNF@BSC(core@shell)的核壳结构来提升阴极的电化学性能。同时通过相同方法浸渍 Sr0.5Co 进行对照试验。并选取 Pr6O11在浸渍BSC 的基础上进行二次浸渍,并探究其对于SOFC 阴极性能的影响。通过X 射线衍射技术(XRD)、电化学工作站、润湿角测量仪器、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和热重分析(DSC)等表征手法,详细研究最佳浸渍方案,浸渍后阴极形貌和电化学性能等。实验结果表明:1.去离子水:无水乙醇=1:0.8,添加剂为 PVP润湿角最佳,能够提升浸渍效果;2.BSC/SC 浸渍 LNF 在900℃情况下可以得到最佳核壳结构,且通过XRD以及 SEM分析可验证原位生成 LSCF 的壳;3.分别对浸渍 BSC/SC 组分分别为 0%,5%,10%,15%,20%进行电化学性能测量,得到浸渍 10%组分,烧结温度 900℃的电化学性能提升最佳;4.浸渍Pr6O11之后,衰退减缓,性能有所提升;5.单电池测量显示浸渍对于单电池性能有显著提升。30248
    毕业论文关键字:固体氧化物燃料电池 阴极材料 浸渍法 润湿角 核壳结构 二次浸渍
    Title Effect of SOFC cathode surface microstructure andelectrochemical activity of nanoparticles decoratedAbstractThe solid oxide fuel cell(SOFC)is a kind of fuel cells,universal we studying.SOFC cathode material which is a key component of the material,and related toperformance. ABO3 type perovskite oxide because of its good conductivity and thecontent of oxygen vacancies from the structure provided,to become low-temperaturesolid oxide fuel cell cathode material.By dipping the nanoparticles modified onthe cathode, not only can reduce the sintering temperature of the LNF material,but also be able to improve its electrochemical activity.In this thesis, we studies the structural and electrical properties of the cathodeof the SOFC influenced by nanoparticles decorated.Select Sm0.2Ce0.8O2- δ (SDC)aselectrolyte,LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3-δ(LNF)as a cathode material.On this basis,we presents thatdipping Ba0.5Sr0.5Co(BSC) onto LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3-δ(LNF),then we can get LNF@BSC(core@shell)core-shell structure to improve the electrochemical properties of the cathode.We also dipping Sr0.5Co(SC)controlled trials by the same method.And select Pr6O11dipping on BSC as a second impregnation, and exploreing the effects of the SOFCcathode performance.By wetting angle measurement instruments,thermal gravimetric analysis(DSC), X-RayDiffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and ElectrochemicalWorkstation and more Characterization techniques,detailed research the bestimpregnation,cathode morphology after dipping and electrochemical performance.The results showed that:1.Deionized water:ethanol=1:0.8 with PVP additive is optimum wetting angle,canenhance the impregnation;
    2.BSC/SC dipping LNF at 900℃ can get the best core-shell structure,can verifycore-shell structure has generated by in-situ reaction;3.Dipping 0%,5%,10%,15%,20% BSC respectively,then getting on electrochemicalperformance measurement,and we get that the best electrochemical performance isimpregnated with 10% BSC;4.Dipping Pr6O11 can improve SOFC performance;5.Single cell with nanoparticles decorated is better than blank single cell.
    Keywords: The solid oxide fuel cell Cathode material Dipping wetting anglecore-shell structure the second impregnation
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