    关键词  树脂矿物复合材料 模态分析 阻尼比 抗振减噪
    Title    Research on Damping Property of Resin Mineral    Composite Materials                              
    One of the feasible ways to reduce the vibration of machine tool is the adoption of bed materials with excellent performance.The resin mineral composite materials have advantages on other traditional materials that they have high damping coefficient,long-term good dimensional stability,low coefficient of thermal expansion.No poisonous gas produced,no rust,no pollution to the environment,low consumption and high output in the production process.In this paper, resin was used as binder and granite particles as aggregate to prepare resin mineral composite materials, and the damping ratio of the composite was determined by using modal analysis.Modal analysis fully considers the various vibration modes and corresponding frequency in the forced vibration of resin mineral composite materials, and I analyzed its damping ratio with variation of component content.Compared with the traditional cast iron materials , the stiffness of  resin mineral composite materials is not far different from cast iron materials, but its inherent frequency is much higher,and the dynamic response is profoundly reduced when the body is subjected to external excitation.
    Keywords  Resin mineral composite materials  Modal Analysis  Damping Ratio Noise Reduction
     目   次
    1  引言(绪论)    1
    1.1  树脂矿物复合材料    1
    1.2  几种基本阻尼模型及其表征    2
    1.2.1 几种基本阻尼模型    2
    1.2.2 阻尼性能的表征    4
       1.3  研究的内容和意义    5
    1.3.1 研究的内容    5
           1.3.2 研究的意义    5   
    2  实验    6
    2.1  原材料    6
        2.1.1 树脂系统    6
        2.1.2 骨料系统    8
        2.1.3 辅助系统    9
    2.2  实验设计与试件制备    10
    2.3.1  配合比设计    10
    2.3.1  试件制备    10
    2.3  成型与养护方法    11
    2.3.1  成型方法    11
    2.3.2  养护方法    12
    2.4  材料阻尼比测试    13
    3  结果与讨论    15
    3.1  树脂矿物复合材料的阻尼来源与耗能模型    15
        3.1.1  阻尼来源    15
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