    关键词  双极电凝    生物组织焊接   高频电源  
    Title  The Development of Frequency Current Biological Tissue Welding Power Control Circuit and Impedance Sensing Circuit                 
    Because of the bipolar electric surgical procedure with high efficiency, fast hemostasis, low thermal damage,many doctor pay attention to it.Abroad at present, the study of double electric coagulation mechanism relatively thorough, has developed a number of advanced bipolar electric coagulation system.These systems can now be thermal damage, 2.0 to 3.5 mm and 7 mm in diameter of blood vessels are closed.But the bipolar electric coagulation system in our country has just begun development, can do that thermal damage in 4 to 10 mm, electric coagulation mechanism is not perfect.In this case, the bipolar electric coagulation mechanism and regularity and bipolar electric coagulation research of power systems is very important.
    Therefore, this article firstly analyzes the mechanism of biological tissue welding, and analyzed the skin effect and temperature resistance properties of biological tissue, the temperature of the cell tissue characteristics of welding.According to a series of factors, and the analysis of the mechanism, the power supply design scheme is determined.According to the mechanism and scheme, completed the design of hardware circuit and its control system and control system of current and power design and model selection and parameters of the adjustment system design.And successfully realized the real-time monitoring of current and voltage.
    Keywords  bipolar electro-coagulation   biological tissue welding     high frequency generator
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  选题背景与意义    1
    1.2国内外现状    2
    1.3本项目研究内容    4
    2  高频电流生物组织焊接功率控制电路研制    4
    2.1生物组织焊接机理及其影响因素    5
    2.1.1集肤效应对电凝过程的影响    5
    2.1.2 细胞的温度特性对组织焊接的影响    7
    2.1.3生物组织的温度阻抗特性    8
    2.2生物组织焊接对功率控制电路的要求    9
    3 高频电流生物组织焊接功率控制电路设计    11
    3.1  限电流控制系统    11
    3.2  限功率控制系统    12
    3.3  电流与功率的协同控制策略    13
    3.3.1PID 控制程序设计    14
    3.3.2负载阻抗的计算程序设计    15
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