    关键词: 强烈变形;晶粒细化;层错能;铜合金;反复弯曲
    After Rolling Bent Copper Alloy
    Microstructure and Properties of its
    Abstract: Beginning of this article mainly elaborated ECAP, reciprocating extrusion, high pressure torsion and accumulative roll method and other strong deformation characteristics, they are changed by increasing the amount of deformation of the grain size, and analyzes the performance of the product organization. This leads to the concept of repeated bending and verified through experimental methods for copper alloy ( grain ) were studied. Further analysis of this combination deformed copper alloys ( low stacking fault energy ) performance impact. Finally with the use of the method with the same kind of deformed aluminum ( high stacking fault energy ) were compared.
    Key Words:  Strongly deformed; grain refinement; stacking fault energy; copper alloy; repeated bending
    目 录
    1    文献综述    4
    1.1    等径角挤压    4
    1.2    往复挤压    2
    1.3    高压扭转    4
    1.4    累积叠轧    4
    1.5    强度行为    5
    1.6    超塑性    6
    1.7    应变诱导晶粒细化的机制    6
    1.8    组织演化    7
    1.8.1    中、低层错能纯铜材料在ECAP中的组织演化    7
    1.8.2    高层错能45钢中铁素体在ECAP中的组织演化    8
    1.8.3    高层错能45钢中珠光体在ECAP中的组织演化    9
    2    研究内容和目标    10
    2.1    研究内容    10
    2.2    研究目标    10
    3    研究材料介绍    11
    3.1    化学成分    11
    3.2    力学性能    11
    3.3    热处理规范    11
    4    实验仪器    12
    4.1    箱式电阻炉    12
    4.2    Φ350MM多功能二辊实验轧机    13
    4.3    电液伺服万能试验机    14
    4.4    金相镶嵌机    15
    4.5    金相试样抛光机    16
    4.6    MDJ—DM显微镜    17
    5    实验步骤    18
    5.1    轧制    18
    5.2    弯曲试验    18
    5.3    取样镶嵌    20
    5.4    抛光腐蚀    21
    6    实验结果    22
    6.1    随压下量变化铜合金的组织变化规律    22
    6.2    经反复弯曲后铜合金的组织变化规律    26
    7    总结    29
    7.1    分析与讨论    29
    7.1.1    弯曲变形量的计算    29
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