


    In the knowledge explosion, the rapid development of science and technology today, the emergence of nanotechnology is an inevitable result. Nano-materials due to a surface effect, quantum size effect, the dielectric confinement effect on the chemical and physical properties and other characteristics and macroscopic matter much different, and people are using it a lot or some of the features designed to better performance or more convenient material. Meanwhile nanotechnology as a cross between a strong scientific, been applied in many fields, but with a combination of light-emitting material conversion is to make the world brighter colors. As rare earth materials research focuses on the conversion of nanomaterials so far has reached a relatively mature level. In this paper, NaYF4:Er/Yb nanocrystals were studied as objects. The study will involve two research directions: a reaction time on the crystal structure and composition have a direct impact, with the enhancement of time, crystal size increases, the fluorescence efficiency will be enhanced; 2.Yb3+doping concentration on the crystal. fluorescence efficiency has a significant influence in the maximum concentration quenching point, Yb3+, the higher the concentration, the stronger fluorescence efficiency.


    Key Words: Conversion material;Nanocrystal;Hydrothermal synthesis;Yb3+

    目  录

    摘   要 2

    Abstract 3

    1. 引言 4

    2. 上转换纳米材料的合成原理 5

    2.1. 上转换材料的选择 6

    2.2. 纳米晶体的制备 6

    3. 实验 7

    3.1. 实验步骤及仪器 7

    3.2. 制备过程 7

    4. 分析与讨论 8

    4.1. 反应时间对NaYF4:Er/Yb晶体结构的影响 8

    4.1.1. NaYF4:Er/Yb上转换材料XRD表征分析 9

    4.1.2. NaYF4:Er/Yb上转换材料TEM表征 11

    4.2. NaYF4:Er/Yb上转换材料荧光光谱表征 12

    5. 总结 14

    参考文献 15

    致谢 16

    1. 引言


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