    关键词:光催化 上转换发光剂 降解性能 活性炭纤维
    Title  Preparation and Photocatalytic Degradation about Upconversion
           Agent and Carbon Fiber Material Supported Research                                 
    To solve the problem of TiO2 is difficult to respond to the sunlight, the present study, this experiment adopted the method of upconversion luminescence agent composite of TiO2 photocatalytic. Preparation of the upconversion luminescence agent and TiO2 are powder, they are difficult to recover in the degradation of organic pollution solution system and may have secondary pollution.ln this experiment, actives carbon fiber(ACF) was used to support conversion luminescent agent. It loaded up catalytic material. At the same time, activated carbon fiber also has the function of adsorption of organic pollutants, this would resolve the photocatalyst that is difficult to recycle. The regeneration of adsorbent was realized. The ACF loading up conversion luminescent agent composite was characterized. and evaluate the performance and stability of the optical degradation. By degradation of methylene blue solution, changing environmental factors, to explore the luminescent agent composite material of carbon fiber-conversion load of concrete degradation and recycling utilization.
    Keywords  photocatalytic  upconversion luminescence agent  degradability  activated carbon fiber composite material
    目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  光催化剂TiO2概述    1
    1.2  上转换材料概述    4
    1.3  活性炭纤维(ACF)的应用    5
    1.4  本课题的研究目的与主要内容    6
    2  材料制备与表征    7
    2.1  材料的制备过程    7
    2.2  样品的XRD分析    10
    2.3  红外光谱分析    11
    2.4  样品的SEM分析    12
    2.5  荧光光谱分析    13
    2.6  本章小结    14
    3  材料光催化性能研究    15
    3.1  实验方案与标准曲线    15
    3.2  材料的对比实验    16
    3.3  初始浓度的影响    17
    3.4  光照强度    18
    3.5  回收利用分析    19
    3.6  降解反应动力学分析    20
    3.7  本章小结    21
    4   结论与展望    22
    4.1 本文结论    22
    4.2 本文的创新点    22
    4.3 后续研究的建议    23
    致  谢    24
    参考文献    25
    1  绪论
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