


    Finite Element Simulation of the asymmetric reduction rolling Process


    Asymmetric reduction rolling is a new processing technology that using the same size and speed of the roll, by changing the position of the support plate to the upper and lower part of the rolling roll. In view of the above-mentioned advantages MSC.Superform in terms of metal deformation of plastic,MSC.Superform2005 as a platform to establish a asymmetric in this paper, respectively reduction, asymmetric reduction ratio, the initial thickness, friction and other factors affecting reduction rolling on equivalent strain curve, pressure curve rolling, friction distribution deformation zone finite element simulation to research and analysis. The results show that the equivalent strain curve decreases asymmetric reduction ratio varies significantly, because the rolling friction on the following asymmetric deformation zone during rolling, resulting in a twist rolling shear zone thereby introducing shear stress, so that the equivalent strain change significantly.

    Keywords: asymmetric reduction rolling; MSC.Marc; finite element method; equivalent strain

    目 录

    1绪论 1

    1.1 非对称轧制 1

    1.1.1 异步轧制 1

    1.1.2 异步轧制的优势 1

    1.1.3 异步轧制的发展及研究现状 1

    1.2 非对称压下轧制 2

    1.2.1 非对称压下轧制的概况 3

    1.2.2 非对称压下轧制的优点 4

    1.2.3 非对称轧制研究历程与进展 4

    1.3 剧烈塑性变形工艺 5

    1.3.1 ECAP 5

    1.3.2 HPT 5

    1.4 有限元在轧制工艺研究上的应用 6

    1.4.1 有限元技术的概况 7

    1.4.2 有限元的基本原理 7

    1.4.3 常用的有限元模拟软件 7

    1.5 课题研究意义、目的及内容 9

    1.5.1 研究意义及目的 9

    1.5.2 课题研究的内容 10

    2轧制有限元模型的建立 11

    2.1 模拟方案制定 11

    2.2 模型建立 11

    2.2.1 几何模型建立 11

    2.2.2 单元网格的划分 12

    2.2.3 定义材料 13

    2.2.4 定义接触条件 13

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