
    关键词  铝基复合材料  TIG焊  等离子弧焊

    Title  Study on Welding Method of Sic-Reinforced Aluminum Composite
    This paper mainly studies 20% of the volume fraction of SiC/6061 aluminum matrix composites welding. We tried TIG and plasma welding. OM(optics microscopy),SEM(scanning microscopy) ,Energy Dispersive X-ray Detector , Micro-hardness and Tensile experiments were used to analysis how the appearance, microstructure and mechanical were influenced by the welding method, welding process and the filling metal.
    The results show that for TIG welding, in the welding current for 130A, welding voltage of 13V, welding speed of 90cm/min, and heat input of 1.13KJ/cm, the joint quality is the best. For plasma welding, in the welding current for 100A, welding voltage of 30V, welding speed of 90cm/min, and 1.2mm of layer, the plasma joint’s appearance is better than the TIG joint’s. When we used TIG welding, the weld area and affected zone produced the large amount of air holes. The high the current is, the more the air holes are. When we use plasma welding with the filler, the base metal and the middle layer fusion better. The air holes decrease. And the interface reaction decrease. When we used TIG welding, the hardness of HAZ increases . The fusion line is the maximum of 110HV.And the weld zone is the minimum. The hardness of the joint of plasma welding is alike with TIG welding. When we use TIG welding, the highest tensile strength is 25MPa. When we use plasma welding, the tensile strength is 36MPa.
    Keywords: aluminum matrix composites   TIG welding  plasma welding

    目  次
    1 引言    1
    1.1课题的意义    1
    1.2铝基复合材料焊接特点与难点分析    1
    1.3铝基复合材料研究现状    2
    1.4论文研究的内容    5
    2试验准备及方法    5
    2.1试样材料    5
    2.2 试验设备    6
    3 铝基复合材料的焊接工艺试验研究    8
    3.1试验方法与研究方案    8
    3.2TIG焊工艺试验研究    9
    3.3等离子焊工艺试验研究    9
    4铝基复合材料TIG焊焊接接头性能分析    10
    4.1 焊缝宏观形貌分析    10
    4.2接头微观组织分析    13
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