    关键词  铁电体  BiFeO3基  A位Dy掺杂  快速烧结  介电性  自发极化7772
    Title  The Preparation and Characterization Of Bi-site doped BiFeO3 Ceramics
    As an important kind of dielectric materials,ferroelectric materials  are characterized by high dielectric constant, remarkable pyroelectric and piezoelectric effects. This paper mainly describes the BiFeO3-based ceramic materials as ferroelectric. BiFeO3 is a very special ferroelectric material which has both long-range magnetic ordering and ordered long-range polarization. Its main advantage lies in its high ferroelectric Curie temperature and high magnetic transition temperature. A-site and B-site doped ceramics possess better properties via modulation of the crystal structure.
    In this paper, Bi1-xDyxFeO3 ceramic samples with a variety of components were prepared by the method of rapid liquid-phase sintering. X-ray and Raman spectra were used in analyzing the crystal structure to confirm that Bi1-xDyxFeO3 ceramics have a rhombohedral-to-orthorhombic phase transition at the Dy component of ~0.11-0.17. Ferroelectric and dielectric properties of the samples were measured ,which revealed that the introduction of Dy3+ enhanced the saturation polarization Ps and d33 values reduced with the Dy3+ content increasing. At last, two cooling methods were designed to distinguish two different models of temperature gradient and explain how bismuth vacancies, oxygen vacancies and inner strain introduce macroscopical self polarization.

    Keywords  Ferroelectric   A-site doped BiFeO3    Rapid Sintering
    Dielectric Property   Self polarization
    1  引言    2
    1.1  铁电体概述    2
    1.2  BiFeO3概述    7
    1.3  掺杂改性对BiFeO3陶瓷的性能影响    11
    1.4  本文研究的内容和意义    13
    2  Bi1-xDyxFeO3陶瓷的制备及测试    14
    2.1  制备系统与测试系统    14
    2.2  快速液相烧结法简介    15
    2.3  Bi1-xDyxFeO3陶瓷的制备工艺    17
    2.4  性能测试    18
    3  Bi1-xDyxFeO3陶瓷的结果与分析    20
    3.1  X射线衍射分析    20
    3.2  拉曼光谱分析    21
    3.3  Bi1-xDyxFeO3系列陶瓷的电学性能    23
    3.4  BiFeO3陶瓷的自发极化    27
    结论    30
    致谢    31
    参考文献    32
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