    摘要  在当今装备制造业中,焊接是其中的重要加工手段,全世界大约有 45%的钢材料用于焊接。由于焊接技术在造船、汽车、铁道、石油等各个工业生产部门的广泛应用,使工业和产品技术得到了迅速发展,并且促进了国民经济的发展。21世纪,科技高速发展,能源需求紧张,高效节能焊接技术越来越受到重视,通常提高焊接效率最直接的方法就是提高焊接电流,但在提高电流的同时必然会增加对母材的热输入以及电能消耗,影响焊接质量。因此市场上急需出现既能够保证焊接质量,同时又高效节能的新焊接工艺或新焊接设备。 本文对于 Tri-Arc 焊接的高熔敷速度以及节约电能这两个最主要的特性进行了实验研究,分别利用 Tri-Arc 焊接系统和双丝 MIG 焊对 40mm 的厚板、12mm 的中厚板以及 2mm 的薄板这三种不同厚度的钢板焊接试验,对比在相同母材热输入下熔敷速度的不同以及总焊接电流相同下熔敷每吨金属消耗电能的不同,并分析了Tri-Arc焊接的高效节能机理。 通过Tri-Arc焊接系统对 2mm 薄板、12mm 中厚板以及40mm 的厚板进行焊接试验,研究对比了 Tri-Arc焊与双丝MIG焊在熔敷速度和节约电能方面的不同。结果显示使用Tri-Arc系统焊接比普通的双丝MIG焊在不同板厚的母材焊接时熔敷速度提高30%左右,其消耗的电能降低了 20%左右。并分析了产生这些差异的原因主要是 M 弧对焊接电流的分流作用以及加快了焊丝的熔化,对熔滴过渡产生促进作用。  58968
    Abstract Welding is  an important processing in manufacturing industry, especially in the equipment manufacturing industry, there is about 45% steel in the world used for welding structure. Welding technology has been widely used in ship-building, automobile, railway, oil, and other industrial production department, which plays an important role in promoting the development of industry and products and promotes the development of national economy,. In 21st century, science and technology develop rapid, efficient- energy welding technology become more and more attentioned, especially in the shipbuilding industry. New welding materials, welding technology or new welding equipment is in urgent need for high efficiency welding requirements on the market. In thie paper,experimental study about high deposition rate and energy saving which are two main characteristic of Tri-Arc welding was carried out. We respectively use Tri-Arc welding systems and Twin-wire MIG welding to do welding experiments on 40mm thick slab,12mm plate and 2mm sheet,compared with the difference of deposition rate in the same base metal hear input and the difference of power consumption per ton of deposited metal in the same total welding current,and some analysis on the energy-efficient mechansim of Tri-Arc welding were made. Firstly by Tri-Arc welding system for 2mm plate, 12mm plate and 40mm welding testing plate, compared Tri-Arc and double wire MIG welding deposition rate differences and save energy. Results are displayed using the Tri-Arc system than ordinary Twin-wire MIG welding welding when welding different thickness of base metal deposition rate increased by about 30%, about its consumption of electricity decreased by 20%. And analysis of the reasons for these differences are mainly m-arc welding current  shunt function and speed up the melting of the wire, metal transfer contribute to. 
    Keywords:double electrode;Tri-Arc;welding splash rate;efficiency-energy











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