    摘要我们先比较了制备HEDP的几种方法,最后根据原料的购买和实验条件等因素确定了以亚磷酸和乙酰氯为原料的合成路线。本实验不是非常的复杂,主要是要处理好反应条件、反应时间以及反应物配比等关键的因素。本实验通过采用不同的反应物配比制备产物HEDP以探索出最佳的反应物配比,同时通过控制各阶段的反应时间来总结出个阶段最适合的反应时间。同时还进行了HEDP的纯化,本实验采用的纯化方法是钠盐纯化法,制成钠盐后又对制备好的钠盐进行了红外可见光谱的分析,确定其主要成分和物质。经过红外分析发现钠盐法纯化后的效果相当不错,因此说明钠盐法是一种很好的HEDP纯化方法。关键词  HEDP   反应物配比   钠盐法纯化   红外可见光谱8303
    Title    Preparation of water treatment agent    hydroxy-1 ,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP)                                               
    We first compared several methods of HEDP preparation and finally determined the synthetic route which used phosphite and acetyl chloride as raw materials according to factors such as the purchase of raw materials and experimental conditions. This experiment was not very complicated, but it was necessary to properly handle some key factors such as the reaction conditions, reaction time and molar ratio of reactants. This experiment was using different molar ratio of reactants synthesizes HEDP to explore the best ratio of reactants. At the same time the stage of the most appropriate response time was summarized by controlling the various stages of the reaction time. Also the purification method of HEDP in this experiment was the sodium salt purification method. The HEDP was first made sodium salt and then the main component and material of the prepared sodium salt are determined by via infrared visible spectrum analysis. The result revealed that the purification method of the sodium salt was efficient, so the sodium salt method is a great purification method of HEDP.
    Keywords   HEDP   Ratio of reactants   Purification of sodium France  IR analysis
    目   录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1    水处理剂羟基乙叉二膦酸(HEDP)的概述    1
    1.2    几种水处理剂羟基乙叉二膦酸(HEDP)的常见制备方法    2
    1.2.1  概述    2
    1.2.2  以乙酰氯和亚磷酸为原料合成    3
    1.2.3  以PCl3和CH3CO2H 为原料合成    3
    1.2.4  以H3PO3、CH2CO2H 和乙酸酐为原料合成    4
    1.2.5  以P4O6和乙酸为原料合成    4
    1.2.6  以乙酰氯和亚磷酸三乙酯为原料合成    4
    1.3    HEDP的提纯方法    5
    1.3.1  同类结晶法和助结晶法    5
    1.3.2  Na盐法    5
    1.3.3  减压浓缩法    5
    1.4    本论文的研究思路、主要内容及今后的研究方向    5
    1.4.1  研究思路及主要内容    5
    1.4.2  此课题今后可研究的方向:    6
    第2章  水处理剂羟基乙叉二膦酸(HEDP)的制备    6
    2.1  引言    6
    2.2  实验部分    6
    2.2.1  本文所用的原料及仪器    6
    2.2.2  水处理剂羟基乙叉二膦酸(HEDP)的制备    7
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