

    Abstract: The method that the three azole nitrogen through the metal nanometer catalyst sugar-based catalytic olefin generated ketone was explored in this paper.The optimum reaction conditions are selected and  the scope of the reaction was investigated. Metal nanometer catalyst is between heterogeneous catalyst and another form of homogeneous catalyst, and its advantages superior to and homogeneous catalyst and heterogeneous catalyst is highly active and high stability, easy recovery, etc. At the same time using the novel glucose derivative of pyridine three azole nitrogen nano palladium catalyst of catalytic oxidation terminal olefins Wacker method can achieve high yield, comply with the principles of green chemistry. The method for the catalytic oxidation terminal olefins provides new conditions, is of great significance.

    毕业论文关键词:金属纳米催化剂; 糖基三氮唑; Wacker反应 ;氧化反应; 绿色化学;

    Keyword: metallic nanoparticles; carbohydrate-derived pyridyl-triazole;Wacker reaction;oxidation reaction; green chemistry

    1 引言 4

    1.1 瓦克反应 4

    1.2 羟基化钯化反应 5

    1.2.1  P原子在A-或B-位的烯烃 5

    1.2.2  O原子处于B-位的烯烃 5

    1.2.3  O原子处于Γ位的烯烃 9

    1.2.4  O原子处于Б位的烯烃 11

    1.2.5  N原子处于Β位的烯烃 13

    1.2.6  含有C=O片段的烯烃 13

    1.2.7  含有C=C片段的烯烃 14

    1.3烷氧基钯化反应 16

    1.4乙酸基钯化反应 17

    1.5 未来研究方向 18

    1.6 选题意义 18

    2 实验部分 18

    2.1 实验仪器及试剂 18

    2.2 钯纳米催化剂催化末端烯烃进行WACKER反应的探究及条件的优化 21

    2.2.1 糖基吡啶三氮唑合成 21

    2.2.2 糖基吡啶三氮唑钯纳米催化剂合成 23

    2.2.3 金属催化剂对反应产率的影响 26

    2.2.4 氧化剂对反应产率结果的影响 27

    2.2.5 溶剂对反应的影响 28

    2.3 反应的底物适应性研究 29

    2.3.1 普适性探究实验的方案、步骤及技术路线 29

    2.3.2 结果与讨论 30

    3 结论 40

    参考文献 40


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