



    Abstract Lithium iron borate is one of the popular lithium-ion cathode materials, and recently graphene is one of the most popular materials in the research as well. LiFeBO3 based materials,  as polyanionic compound cathode material, were prepared by spray drying and its electrochemical properties were investigated. The influence of different levels of graphene doping on the electrochemical properties of lithium iron borate cathode material was explored.

    In this paper, LiFe0.995Cr0.005BO3 was synthesized by nano-milling combined spray drying method and then calcined in protection atmosphere. Different amount of grapheme was added during the synthesis procedure, using anhydrous ethanol as disperser. The results show that adding grapheme could effectively improve the electrochemical properties of LiFe0.995Cr0.005BO3 cathode materials. The highest discharge capacity, 174.3 mAh/g (at 0.1C ), was achieved by 1% grapheme doping LiFe0.995Cr0.005BO3 sample, which was calcined at 500℃ for 10 hours. After 50 cycles at 0.1 C, its retention of discharge capacity was 94%.

    KeyWords:LiFeBO3;Lithium ion battery;Graphene;Discharge specific capacity;Electrochemical properties 


    1  绪论··1

    1.1  锂离子电池的发展 1

    1.2  锂离子电池的应用 2

    1.3  锂离子电池的原理 2

    1.4  锂离子电池正极材料 3

    1.4.1  LiCoO2 3

    1.4.2  LiNiO2 4

    1.4.3  LiFePO4 4

    1.5  石墨烯的结构和性质 4

    1.6  硼酸盐正极材料的研究 5

    1.6.1  结构 5

    1.6.2  国内外研究现状 6

    1.6.3  金属离子掺杂 6

    1.6.4  聚合物包覆 6

    1.6.5  量子化学计算 7

    1.7  研究背景、主要内容及意义 7

    1.7.1  研究背景 7

    1.7.2  研究内容 7

    1.7.3  研究意义 8

    2  样品制备9

    2.1  实验设备 9

    2.2  实验材料 10

    2.3  样品制备过程

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