


    毕业论文关键词 磁性薄膜,各向异性,倾斜溅射, CoZr薄膜,磁性参数


    Title   The tuning of anisotropy and microwave characteristics of soft magnetic film by oblique sputtering   


    With the rapid development of electronic information industry, in order to improve the data transfer rate and save space, a significant trend is that the electronic components operating frequency and integration are constantly increasing. As part of one of the electronic components, the magnetic component is bound to adapt to this trend and towards high frequencies, miniaturization direction .Work in more than 1 GHz high permeability magnetic material is the bottleneck that the development of magnetic electronic components, thus achieving a large integrated electronic system.

    To get a high permeability magnetic film, it is necessary to improve the in-plane anisotropy, however, the film does not spontaneously general plane anisotropy, and it requires the use of various auxiliary induction means, such as inclined sputtering. Unlike the vertical magnetron sputtering, inclined sputtering is a phenomenon that makes the sample deviate from target then occurred magnetron sputtering. The experiment by changing the sample tilt angle to achieve the Inclined sputtering, and Inclined sputtering can improve the film anisotropy. This study focused on CoZr film. CoZr film belongs to the transition metal - metal type (TM-M-type) amorphous alloy films. This film has a high saturation magnetization and higher crystallization temperature and the Curie temperature, at the same time it has excellent soft magnetic properties. The main purpose of graduation project is to understand the principle of magnetron sputtering and sputtering what is Inclined, and then by measuring hysteresis loop of the samples at different angles of sample stage, and then compared magnetic anisotropy field changes with the Inclined angle.

    Keywords  magnetic thin film, anisotropy, oblique sputtering, CoZr thin film, magnetic parameters


    1  绪论 1

    1.1 软磁材料 1

    1.2 磁控溅射 4

    1.3 倾斜溅射 7

    1.4 VSM(振动样品磁强计) 7

    1.5 高频软磁薄膜制备中的问题及解决方案 8

    1.6 实验内容

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