


    毕业论文关键词  Al-Cu合金  点缺陷  势函数  能量模型   


    Title     Simulation study on the model of point defects       

                             in Al-Cu alloy                        


    The precipitation of Al-Cu alloy during aging process has been deeply studied for a long time, however, there are amount of details which remain to be researched further. Apart from ways, such as high-resolution electron microscope, simulation comes to be a new method, and becomes more and more important. This thesis attempts to clarify the transition characteristics about point defects in alloys by studying the Al-Cu alloy. However, lacking of relevant data makes building a model about point defects to be the principle task. On that case, the relevant data is expected to be collected. First of all, the author of the thesis search the suitable potential function among the documents. Secondly, a model about point defects should be built according to the structure features of the crystal, and the energy shall be collected with the potential function above. Last, fitting the energy to clarify the transition characteristics.

    Keywords  Al-Cu alloy  point defects  potential function  energy model


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 点缺陷的扩散机制 1

    1.3 课题研究主要内容和方法 2

    1.4 课题研究目的 3

    2 势函数 3

    2.1 EAM势函数 4

    2.2 ADP势函数 5

    2.3 MEAM势函数 6

    2.4 Al-Cu合金势函数 7

    3 Al-Cu合金中原子间相互作用能的拟合 8

    3.1 分子动力学方法(MD)与动力学蒙特卡洛方法(KMC) 8

    3.2 LAMMPS软件介绍 9

    3.3 本研究中模型的构建 10

    3.4 Al-Cu-Mg三元系 15

    结  论 19

    致  谢 20

    参 考 文 献 21

    1 绪论

    1.1 课题研究背景

      铝合金在工业上应用广泛,是使用量仅次于钢铁的金属材料[1]。铝铜合金是以铜为主要合金元素的铝合金,它包括Al-Cu-Mg合金、Al-Cu-Mg-Fe-Ni合金和Al-Cu-Mn合金等,属热处理可强化合金。铝铜合金,又称硬铝合金,以Cu元素所占比例最高,大约为3%至5%,2024系列和2A16系列铝铜合金是其典型合金,其特点是硬度高,具有良好的耐热性和优秀的机械加工性能,但耐蚀性逊色于一些其他铝合金,在一定条件下会产生晶间腐蚀。 与纯Al相比,铝铜合金以其低密度和高机械强度的特点而广泛应用于航空航天材料,如火箭燃料槽。除了在航天领域的应用,Al-Cu合金还可以用来制作板材、管材等材料以及其他机械制品。

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