
    摘要  铜基复合材料具有高的强度、导电性和导热性,而且还具有良好的抗电弧侵蚀和抗磨损能力,其优异的性能和经济的成本使之在电工、电子、汽车制造和航空航天领域有着越来越广泛的应用。本文通过计算Al-TiO2-C-Cu系、Al-TiO2-B4C-Cu系的反应热力学,分析Al-TiO2-C-Cu系、Al-TiO2-B4C-Cu系的DSC曲线,针对反应峰分别进行Al-TiO2系、Al-TiO2-C系、Ti-C系、Cu-Ti-C系、Al-Cu系、Al-B4C 系、Ti-B4C 系、Cu-Ti-B4C 系DSC分实验,判断反应过程,并对反应结果进行SEM观察和EDS能谱分析,并结合XRD鉴定反应产物的相组成,建立反应模型,分析反应过程,探讨反应机理。研究结果表明,Al-TiO2-C-Cu系和Al-TiO2-B4C-Cu系可以按热力学预测的方向进行,分别生成-Al2O3、TiC和-Al2O3、TiC、TiB2增强相,制备出颗粒增强铜基复合材料。随着增强相体积分数的增加,增强相的尺寸减小,分布均匀性提高。67475

    毕业论文关键词  原位反应,反应机理,热力学,铜基复合材料 


    Title  In-situ reaction technique of copper matrix composites

    Abstract  Copper matrix composites has high strength, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, but also has good resistance to arc erosion and wear resistance, its excellent performance and economic cost make it widely used in the field of electrical, electronics, automotive and aerospace. The reaction thermodynamics of the Al-TiO2-C-Cu systems、the Al-TiO2-B4C-Cu system were calculated, and the DSC curve of these systems was analyzed. According to the DSC curve, we did other experiments to determine the reaction process. the SEM observation and EDS spectrum of the two systems’ reaction products were analyzed, the phase composition of reaction products were identified combining with XRD, the reaction process model were built to explore the reaction mechanism. The results show that the Al-TiO2-C-Cu system and Al-TiO2-B4C-Cu system reacted in accordance with the reaction thermodynamics, and generate the -Al2O3, TiC and -Al2O3, TiC, TiB2 particle reinforced phase respectively, particle reinforced copper matrix composites were prepared. With the increasing volume fraction of the reinforcement, the reaction of the reinforcement particle size were smaller, distribution were more dispersed. 

    Key words  in-situ reaction technique , reaction mechanisms, thermodynamics, copper matrix composites

    目  录

    1 引言 1

    1.1 铜基复合材料的增强体材料 2

    1.2 铜基复合材料的增强机理 2

    1.3 铜基复合材料的原位合成方法 3

    1.4 原位反应合成技术的特点 4

    1.5 铜基复合材料的研究现状 4

    2 实验 4

    2.1 实验设备 5

    2.2 实验原料 5

    2.3 实验流程 6

    2.3.1 球磨 6

    2.3.2 压块(片) 6

    2.3.3 制样 7

    2.3.4 分析测试 7

    3 实验反应机理分析 7

    3.1 热力学分析 7

    3.1.1 热力学计算基础 7

    3.1.2 反应系可能发生的反应 8

    3.2 反应机理分析 9

    3.2.1 Al-TiO2-C-Cu系的反应机理分析

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