


    毕业论文关键词  复合热源  螺柱焊枪


    Title    Research on automatic stud welding torch applied in robot with hybrid heating resource and the  Process performance test                                                        


    Currently, most of the blocks attached of the armored vehicles turret body are made by the technological procedures of manual electrode arc welding and semi-automatic gas shielded arc welding. However, there are some welding defects such as under fusion, crack, and pores. In practice,a hybrid thermal source made of the induction heat source and stud welding worked as an effective process for the large diameter studs and heavy, big steels.

    In a comprehensive analysis of the previous advantages and disadvantages of automatic stud welding torch, this paper proposes the optimization of Enhance institutions , electromagnetic, spring preload in the welding torch. Mainly to optimize the design of its key components. Dimensions of mechanical structures of the norms, improve the work efficiency of the electromagnet, using the optimum design of the automatic stud welding torch welding process test results show that the torch has a good performance, can adapt to the complex case of the welding.

    Keywords  Hybrid heating   stud welding torch

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及课题意义 1

    1.2  螺柱焊接原理及应用 1

    1.3  螺柱焊接方法的研究现状和研究方向 3

    1.4  自动螺柱焊枪结构研究现状 5

    1.5  本课题研究的主要内容 7

    2  自动螺柱焊焊枪整体结构设计 8

    2.1  机械结构设计 9

    2.2  电磁结构设计 9

    2.3  其他结构设计 10

    3  自动螺柱焊焊枪提升结构优化 11

    3.1  自动螺柱焊焊枪提升机构原理 11

    3.2  不同尺寸锥形箍的选型 12

    3.3  本章小结 13

    4  自动螺柱焊枪电磁装置的优化 15

    4.1  电磁铁结构原理 15

    4.2  电磁装置问题分析 15

    4.3  电磁装置的解决方案 15

    4.4  电磁铁优化对比焊接试验分析

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