

    本文主要通过采用Ti、Si、C单质直接烧结制备Ti3SiC2,以及Ti、Si、TiC粉末混合烧结制备Ti3SiC2两种主要制备方法来制备Ti3SiC2。并通过XRD,扫描电子显微镜分析等手段确定不同成分和温度对材料微观组织的影响,并以此研究如何获高纯度的 Ti3SiC2。68044


    (1) 通过改变烧结温度、保温时间和原料组成,制备出了纯度较高的Ti3SiC2粉末。

    (2) 确定了合理的制备工艺原则,即:



    (3) 通过扫描电镜观察表明,Ti3SiC2的微观组织为片层状结构。

    毕业论文关键词  Ti3SiC2;热压烧结;X射线衍射分析;扫描电镜分析


    Title    The Research of Pressureless Sintering about    Ti3SiC2 a ternary layered material                 


    Ti3SiC2, a ternary layered material, which is a very good representative of MAX phase, has attracted a lot of attention of material researchers, because of its excellent attributes. As many researches show, Ti3SiC2 has good electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, good high oxidation resistance, high Young’s modulus, high temperature chemical stability, acid and alkali resistance, good thermal shock, easily processing and so on. These make Ti3SiC2 extensively use, such as high temperature construction material. So the research of Ti3SiC2 is meaningful.

    In the article, we make Ti3SiC2 by two ways, one is by fritting powder of Ti, Si and graphite, the other one is by fritting powder of Ti, Si and TiC. And then we detect the samples by XRD and SEM to research how to get the high purity Ti3SiC2.

    Conclusions as follows:

    (1) By changing the sintering temperature, thermal insulation time and the composition of the material, making high quality Ti3SiC2 powder.

    (2) Get the suitable principle about making the Ti3SiC2 powder:

    When the sintering temperature is invariable, increasing the thermal insulation time can improve the quality of  Ti3SiC2 powder;

    When the thermal insulation time is invariable, increasing the sintering temperature can improve the quality of  Ti3SiC2 powder.

    (3) The results of the SEM shows that Ti3SiC2 is a ternary layered material.

    Keywords  Ti3SiC2;hot pressing; XRD; SEM

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2  Ti3SiC2的结构 1

    1.3  Ti3SiC2试样的制备 2

    1.3.1  块体Ti3SiC2与粉末Ti3SiC2 2

    1.3.2  气相合成法 3

    1.3.3  固相合成法 3

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