

    毕业论文关键词  螺柱焊、复合热源、接头成分、延迟裂纹


    Title    The influence of composition  on welding joint’s  quality of composite heat source stud welding                                                  

    Abstract with composite heat source stud welding stud ,The experiment investigated the effect of different austenite content on the composite heat source stud welding quality of welding joint,the experimental results show that with the increase of austenite composition,the better the quality of welding joint; In the view of the actual welding conditions of existence asymmetric strueture and high  restrain of large diameter studs welding with high carbon steels,the welding bead always appears the Phenomenon of delay crack.Research carried out the work of delay crack simulation test,welding Proeess test,etc,Using the method of induetion heating/arc sutd welding can effeetively reduce the residual stress of welding joint,the amount of hydrogen of welding bead,and test sample do not appear the phenomenon o fdelay crack.

    Keywords  studs welding,compound heat sources,Joint components,delayed crack

    目 录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究的背景及意义 1

    1.2  螺柱焊接技术的发展与应用 1

    1.2.1  螺柱焊的特点 2

    1.2.2  电弧螺柱焊原理 2

    1.2.3  电弧螺柱焊分类 3

    1.3  复合热源螺柱焊接技术 4

    1.4  冷裂纹的形成影响因素及防止措施: 6

    1.4.1  冷裂纹的形成影响因素氢的作用 6

    1.4.2  防止冷裂纹的措施[20] 6

    1.5  研究内容 7

    2  实验材料及设备 8

    2.1  实验材料 8

    2.2  实验设备 9

    2.2.1  复合热源螺柱焊机器人系统 9

    2.2.2  复合热源螺柱焊焊接电源 10

    2.2.3  复合热源螺柱焊自动螺柱焊枪 11

    2.2.4  复合热源螺柱焊感应加热电源 11

    2.3  本章小结 11

    3  复合热源螺柱焊接过程冷裂纹产生过程试验研究 12

    3.1  复合热源螺柱焊冷裂纹试验方案 12

    3.2  16mmQ235螺柱在616板上的焊接

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