




    毕业论文关键词    焊接残余应力    盲孔法   多层多道焊接   应变实时监测

    毕 业 论 文 中 文 摘 要

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title     Testing and research on stress of steel structure              


    The T-welded joint binding structure was measured welding residual stress through the blind hole method , and to multi-layer multi-channel welding for welding stress and strain measurement.

    In the blind hole method was used to determine the resistance strain gauge selection, paste process, formula, measuring process and the residual stress release coefficient to modify A, B, A is -0.34677, B is -0.78628.

    Within the scope of the weld seam , from the middle of weld to the fusion line, the welding residual stress increases to nearly twice as much. Because in the fusion zone, uneven composition leads to strain a lot; Fusion zone is liquid-solid transition zone, and its stress is not uniform, so the stress of this area is very large.

    In 15 mm away from the weld heat affected zone, due to the heat affected zone in thermosetting change area, the farther from the weld  larger maximum principal stress is larger, and the minimum principal stress is smaller; When welding process will accumulate heat and heat unevenly, so from the weld heat affected zone of 15mm, the same distance from the weld monitoring points along the welding direction of principal stress value increases. When the welding process has been accumulating heat and thermal stress field has stabilized, so 15mm from the weld heat affected zone within the same distance from the weld monitoring points along the welding direction of principal stress value decreases.

    Keywords   welding residual stresses    blind hole method    multi-layer multi-pass welding     real-time monitoring of strain

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  钢结构焊接研究前景 1

    1.2  焊接应力研究的国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.1  模型法的研究概况 2

    1.2.2  焊接应力测量研究概况 3

    1.3  课题研究的内容 4

    2  应力应变测量方法及设备 5

    2.1  应变的测量研究 5

    2.1.1电阻应变片测量 5

    2.1.2盲孔法 7

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