

    毕业论文关键词  高强钢 镀锌高强钢 点焊 电极头 


    Title    Automotive Body In White Spot Welding Research                     



    The current automotive industry is highly competitive, even in the face serious pollution of the world's resources are scarce situation, In that grim situation, in order to consolidate the position in the automotive industry, Changan Mazda is developing new models to improve the dynamic performance to achieve weight loss and followed closely the trend of energy saving due to reduced body weight to become an inevitable trend ineffective, so in order to not change the auto body performance while reducing the weight of the body we are more used to change the use of high-strength steel and high-strength galvanized steel, so the white body uses high-strength steel and galvanized high-strength steel, for welding a higher quality performance requirements. Original traditional high-strength steel body welding less used in improving performance while reducing body weight is invalid, which need to use high-strength steel plate (in ensuring the strength, toughness, fatigue strength, rigidity and impact resistance of the premise , reducing the thickness of the sheet, so as to reduce the weight of an invalid object.), but a problem is that the relatively poor strength steel welding, the welding defects such as cracks easily, the welding process is more stringent, Ford and Mazda foreign transfer process does not to the joint venture, the current lack of a complete rational welding process, welding processes and needed a full set of quality control technologies: research and development and new vehicles to meet the requirements of mass production, while meeting the quality of the welding process and the urgent needs of the database.

    Keywords    high-strength steel、Galvanized of identity、Spot Welding、Insert Electrode Tip


    一  引言 1

    1.1  背景与意义: 1

    1.2  汽车车身白板点焊的研究现状 1

    1.3  论文所研究的内容: 9

    二  汽车白车身两层高强钢机器人点焊工艺试验研究:

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