      Abstract:Photocatalytic oxidation technology research developed a new pollution control technology in recent years. Study found that the use of photocatalytic method can effectively degrade or mineralized water and various organic pollutants in the air, contaminants can be efficiently converted into non-toxic inorganic substances can be cyanide, nitrite, sulfur cyanate salt form into a non-toxic; also be used in antibacterial, deodorization, air purification, self-cleaning materials and kill cancer cells. Which, TiO2 has good chemical stability, corrosion resistance, high activity, inexpensive, non-toxic, etc., which is widely used as a photocatalyst.
      Currently, TiO2 photocatalyst in water treatment applications, mostly based suspension system. TiO2 powder particles suspended in the liquid state with the contaminants area, mass effect, so high catalytic efficiency. However, the current commodity TiO2 and smaller proportion of small particles in the fluid separation not only difficult, difficult to recycle and reduce aggregation-prone activity, which greatly limits its practical application. The TiO2 fixed on some carrier, suspended phase can overcome the shortcomings of TiO2 photocatalyst, solve the difficult problem of catalyst separation and recovery, and can be based on the structure of photocatalytic reactor to select different carriers and different processes.
      This paper adopts the titanium tetrachloride or tetrabutyl titanate as the titanium source precursor, with resorcinol and furfural as carbonaceous precursors, the titanium dioxide photocatalyst prepared step by sol gel method. By XRD characterization of photocatalyst morphology, SEM and TEM observation of microstructure of the photocatalyst, nitrogen gas adsorption stripping analyzes the light catalyst pore structure, ultraviolet visible diffuse light absorption performance of the photocatalyst was analyzed. By photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue, compared the different source of titanium precursor preparation by the photocatalytic activity of photocatalyst.

     Keywords:Recyclable; TiO2; Photocatalyst;Nano; Applications
    目  录
    一 前言    1
    1 纳米二氧化钛光催化剂    1
    2  TiO2光催化剂在污水处理中的应用       1
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