    Researches on high temperature anti-corrosion coating formulation
    In this paper, a variety of basic components (such as silicate, 20% acidic silica sol, silane-modified silica sol, et cetera.) as the basis ,copper winding black and mica powder as fillers, sodium alginate, clay, montmorillonite as thickener,were prepared into the high temperature resistant anti-corrosion coatings.And studying the basic components of types and dosage on the properties of coatings systematic and comperhensive. The results show that, compared with other basic components 20% of acidic silica sol as the base component of high-temperature corrosion coatings have better performances, its high temperature resistance up to 850 ℃, impact resistance 50KN, adhesion 100% .Its thermostable was enhanced 100% and 45% by comparing with the ordinary and the organic inorganic compound kind of thermostable anticorrosion coatings.
    Key words: High temperature anti-corrosion coatings; silane-modified Sol;additives;the coupling agent of 1630

    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 耐高温防腐涂料简介    1
    1.1.1 定义及概述    1
    1.1.2 组成结构及各部分作用    1
    1.1.3 机理探讨与性能    2
    1.1.4常见失效形式    3
    1.1.5种类    4
    1.1.6应用领域    6
    1.1.7发展前景    6
    1.1.8优缺点    6
    1.2研究现状及存在问题    7
    1.3选题依据    7
    1.4立题目的和意义    7
    1.5研究内容和目标    8
    1.6创新性    8
    2 实验部分    9
    2.1 原料及试剂    9
    2.2 实验仪器    10
    2.3实验方法    12
    2.3.1实验流程图    12
    2.3.2基础组分种类的及用量对涂膜性能影响研究    13
    2.3.3 偶联剂及用量对涂膜性能的影响研究    14
    2.3.4 增稠剂用量对涂膜性能的影响研究    14
    2.3.5助剂对涂膜性能的影响研究    14
    2.4 分析表征方法    14
    2.4.1 TDW温控仪及4-10型箱式电阻炉    14
    2.4.2 附着力划格器    15
    2.4.3 QCJ型漆膜冲击器    15
    2.4.4 NDJ-5涂-4粘度计    16
    3 结果与讨论    17
    3.1 不同基础组分种类及用量对涂膜性能影响分析    17
    3.1.1 硅酸钾-环氧树脂作基础组分    17
    3.1.2 硅烷改性硅溶胶301为基础组分配方    20
    3.1.3 碱性硅溶胶为基础组分配方    20
    3.1.4 硅烷改性硅溶胶WV33为基础组分配方    20
    3.1.5 酸性硅溶胶作基础组分配方    22
    3.2 偶联剂及用量对涂膜性能影响    25
    3.2.1 偶联剂1630    25
    3.2.2 偶联剂KH560    26
    3.3 增稠剂用量对涂膜影响    27
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