    关键词  Q235  TIG电弧  复合热源搅拌摩擦焊  微观组织  力学性能
    Title  The studies on TIG assisted friction stir welding of steel
    A tungsten inert gas(TIG) arc welding had been used to heat the Q235 steel during its friction stir welding. And several parameters had been designed such as the rotation speed of the tool,the press quantity,the speed of welding and the current of the TIG arc.After welding , its  microstructure, microhardness and mechanical properties had been analysised to evaluate the efficiency of welds. Also,the distribution of Si in the weld had been tested to show the loss of the Si3N4 and see the wear of the tool.The purpose is that we can make sure if the TIG assisted friction stir welding on steel make sense and get its suitable parameters . We can find that the hybrid heat not only makes the weld as strong as metal,but also it cuts down the wear of the tool.
    Keywords  Q235  TIG   hybrid friction stir welding   mechanical properties   microstructure phase
    1 绪论.1
      1.1 研究课题背景..1
      1.2 搅拌摩擦焊的研究发展与应用    2
    1.3 钢的搅拌摩擦焊焊接性    5
    1.4 搅拌摩擦焊复合热源的研究    5
    1.5 搅拌摩擦焊工具的研究与发展.9
    1.6 研究课题的目标、内容及关键问题    11
    1.7 拟采取的试验方案及其可行性分析    12
    2 试验方法与设备    15
    2.1  焊接方法与材料    15
    2.2  焊接设备    15
    2.3  其它实验设备    19
    3  实验结果记录与分析    22
    3.1 实验工艺参数设计    22
    3.2 钢搅拌摩擦焊焊缝宏观形貌观察    22
    3.3 钢复合热源搅拌摩擦焊焊缝外观形貌观察    24
    3.4 本章小结    25
    4 钢复合热源搅拌摩擦焊焊缝微观组织与力学性能分析    26
    4.1 焊缝结构    26
    4.2 钢搅拌摩擦焊焊缝微观组织分析    27
    4.3 钢复合热源搅拌摩擦焊焊缝微观组织分析    30
    4.4 焊缝力学性能分析    34
    4.5 本章小结    36
    5 搅拌头使用情况分析    38
    5.1 垂直于焊缝中心线方向上Si的分布    38
    5.2 沿焊缝中心线方向上Si的分布    40
    5.3 搅拌头尺寸变化..41
    5.4本章小结    41
    6 研究方法分析总结    43
    6.1 研究方法的成功可取之处    43
    6.2 研究方法的不足及其原因分析    43
    6.3 研究方法的改进方案    45
    6.4 本章小结    46
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