    BaMgAl10O17 (BAM) is an excellent luminescent substrate with high chemical stability, high luminous efficiency, which makes it outstanding multifunctional material. In this article, Eu and Mn were co-doped in the BAM to acquire the phosphor with blue and green luminescence. Typically, a series of measurement including XRD, SEM and FL were employed to investigate the microstructure, morphology and luminescent property of the as-prepared phosphor. The result indicated that BAM phase was well shaped by solution combustion synthesis at 600℃, which was about 700℃ lower than that with conventional high temperature solid-state reaction. Furthermore, the Eu3 + in the crystal lattice could reduce Eu3 + automatically during the combustion process, which was facile to cause the energy decrease and the cost lower. Furthermore, Mn, Dy, Sr and Ca elements were co-doped into BAM to obtain the significant and effective tailoring spectra. Moreover, the phosphor power fabricated by solution combustion synthesis was well homodispersed, which were facile to be coated.
    KeyWords:Blue-green phosphor;Solution Combustion Synthesis;Spectrum Characteristic
     目  录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    引言    1
    1.2    LED灯用荧光粉的发展现状    1
    1.3    白光LED用荧光粉的性质    3
    1.4    白光LED国内外研究现状及发展前景    3
    1.5    荧光材料的分类    4
    1.5.1    铝酸盐系列荧光材料    4
    1.5.2    硅酸盐系列荧光材料    5
    1.5.3    氮化物/氮氧化物系列荧光材料    5
    1.5.4    含硫荧光材料    5
    1.5.5    其他荧光材料    5
    1.6    荧光粉的分类    6
    1.6.1    红色荧光粉    6
    1.6.2    绿色荧光粉    6
    1.6.3    蓝色荧光粉    7
    1.7    稀土荧光粉    7
    1.7.1    稀土电子管用荧光粉    7
    1.7.2    稀土三基色照明用荧光粉    7
    1.8    荧光粉的制备方法    8
    1.8.1    高温固相反应法    8
    1.8.2    燃烧法    8
    1.8.3    溶胶-凝胶法    9
    1.9    荧光粉发光机理    10
    1.10    选题思路    12
    1.10.1    荧光粉末的选择    12
    1.10.2    粉末制备的选择    12
    1.10.3    具体流程思路    12
    2    实验部分    13
    2.1    实验药品    13
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