    The present invention relates to power tools. More particularly, the present invention relates to a hydraulic cylinder actuated tool system having a single hydraulic cylinder actuator and replaceable tools including torque Wrenches, shears, nut breakers, and flange spreaders.19961
    2. Description of the Related Art
    The use of hydraulically operated torque wrenches is well known, particularly in the tightening large nuts on bolts or studs and in tight clearance installations not allowing for the travel of a long wrench handle. Present hydraulically oper- ated torque wrenches are not rotatably adjustable relative to the hydraulic driving cylinder, and are thus restrained from rotation by the hydraulic hoses and other appendages. It would be desirable to provide a hydraulically operated torque wrench that is rotatable relative to the actuating hydraulic driving cylinder and hose. It would further be desirable to provide a system wherein the torque wrench is removable from the hydraulic driving cylinder and other torque wrenches having different drives or sizes as well as other tools such as shears, nut breakers, and flange spreaders may be attached for driving by the same hydraulic cylinder.
    The present invention is a hydraulic torque wrench system having a separate ratchet unit and hydraulic cylinder drive unit which are connectable by a overlapping cylindrical chuck-like connection at selected angles of rotation so as to provide flexibility in clearance for use and to avoid twisting of hydraulic tubing. The hydraulic cylinder actuates the ratchet mechanism by means of a connecting rod traveling through the overlapping cylindrical connection and engaging a pivotable drive plate. The ratchet may have a male drive shaft for driving or connection with a socket, or a female driver such a hex or spline wrench. The ratchet unit case may be integral with an access cover plate, or split for removable accesses to the ratchet mechanisms. The hydraulic connections to the cylinder unit housing may be separate rotatable connections or a single connection and collar with rotatable hydraulic fittings allowing three-way rotation.Separate attachments are provided for use with the hydraulicunit, taking the place of the ratchet unit. These attachments include a flange spreader for separating pipe flanges, a nut splitter, scissor action shears, and a lift/spreader for lifting a corner of an object from a llat surface or spreading surfaces apart. A reaction bar is provided which may be affixed around the hydraulic cylinder unit housing which extends downward to bear against a pipe flange circumferential surface when torqueing a nut with the inventive hydraulic torque wrench. A similar reaction boot fits around the housing and against an adjacent flange nut.
    Accordingly, it is a principal object of the invention to provide a hydraulic torque wrench that is adjustable to allow ease of use in restricted clearance areas.
    It is another object of the invention to provide a hydraulic torque wrench having a hydraulic cylinder drive unit having a housing that is mountable at selected angles of rotation relative to the housing of a ratchet unit driven thereby.
    It is a further object of the invention to provide a flange spreader attachment having a connector for use with the hydraulic torque drive unit of the present invention.
    Still another object of the invention is to provide a spreader and lift attachment having a connector for use with the hydraulic torque drive unit of the present invention.
    Yet another object of the invention is to provide a nut cracker attachment having a connector for use with the hydraulic torque drive unit of the present invention.
    Still another object of the invention is to provide a power shears attachment having a connector for use with the hydraulic torque drive unit of the present invention.
    It is an object of the invention to provide improved elements and arrangements thereof for the purposes described which is inexpensive, dependable and fully effective in accomplishing its intended purposes.
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