
    As mentioned earlier, geometry such as battery cover is normally known to have dissimilar shrinkage rate with respect to width and height. In order to evaluate the effect of selected variables quantitatively, the ratio of the averaged deformation rate with regard to height and width defined as Eq. (18) has been compared for battery cover
    Figure 7 shows the relative magnitude of main and interaction effects of the selected variables on yb in Eq. (18) based on design matrix in DOE. Here, ci stands for the main effect of each variable shown in Table 2. The other ones represent the interaction effect of two or more variables associated with each index, i.e., c12 is for the interaction between mold temperature and Young’s modulus. As shown in Fig. 7, the inpidual effect of Poisson’s ratio is biggest, while Young’s modulus has the smallest effect in case of battery cover.
    Fig. 7 Relative magnitude of main and interaction effects for
    battery cover

      The inpidual effect of each variable can be expressed visually as shown in Fig. 8. The slope of yb as a function of Poisson’s ratio is steepest while slope of yb as a function of Young’s modulus is most gradual. The interaction effect of mold temperature and Poisson’s ratio or one of Poisson’s ratio and thermal expansion coefficient cannot be negligible, since their value is quite bigger than the inpidual effect of Young’s modulus and similar to the main effect of cooling time. It is concluded that Poisson’s ratio could be one of the key variables to deal with if there exists a problem related with dissimilar shrinkage rate regarding width and height.
    Fig. 8 Inpidual effect of (a) mold temperature, (b) Young’s modulus, (c) Poisson’s ratio, (d) thermal expansion coefficient, and (e) cooling time

    For front cover, the relative magnitude of inpidual and interaction effects of variables on yf (see Eq. (19)), which represents the deviation between deformation rate at upper and lower position along the height, is plotted in Fig. 9.
    Figure 9 shows that Poisson’s ratio has the largest inpidual effect again and the main effect of cooling time is the second largest. Especially, Poisson’s ratio affects significantly than others, while mold temperature shows the almost negligible effect. We also noticed that Poisson’s ratio could be one of the key variables to deal with the problem related with dissimilar shrinkage along the height. In order to solve the existing problem, choosing material with the appropriate range of Poisson’s ratio could be one of the solutions. From this, DOE results could provide the useful guide to handle problems when final deformation by injection molding has an issue.

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