    Abstract Inserts are real operating components for producing sheet metal part features when the press moves up and down.The complexity, cost and durability of a progressive die de-pend largely on the number of inserts and the design of different groups of inserts. In addition, the accuracy of metal stampings also greatly relies on the structure of the functional insert groups and their assembly. Thus, the design of inserts is a critical op-eration to a designer in terms of the design quality and produc-tivity. In this paper, a flexible and complete insert representation scheme has been proposed. The complex assembly relationships and constraints between inserts and components are analyzed.The design automation of inserts using the knowledge-based ap-proach is introduced. Finally, some results obtained using the proposed approach are given.21249
    Keywords Insert design · Knowledge-based system ·Progressive die
    the computer technology, tele-communications and electronics
    markets, there is an increasing demand for sophisticated metal
    stampings and plastic parts. To improve the productivity of the
    die designer, researchers all over the world have spent a tremen-
    dous amount of time and effort trying to develop computer aided
    design (CAD) and manufacturing systems for press tools. In
    early research effort, computers were mainly used to improve
    productivity in drawing and to perform particular design calcu-
    lations and Numeric Control (NC) programming. Most of the
    important decisions, such as the design of punch shapes, the as-
    sessment of formability and the development of the strip layout,
    were still made interactively by the user. This is because consid-
    erable human expertise was not incorporated into the system.
    Since the late 1980s, researchers from several universities and
    research institutes have built progressive-die design automation
    systems with artificial intelligence (AI) technology [1–5]. How-
    ever, the functionalities of those systems are quite limited and they
    can either handle parts requiring only piercing and blanking oper-
    ations, or parts that have relatively simple geometry. Some of the
    systems are designed only for specialized products. Such systems
    require a high degree of input by experienced designers during
    the design process [6]. Recently, some research works have been
    reported on automated CAD systems, computer aided process
    planning for electric products [7, 8], and Computer Aided De-
    sign/Computer Aided Process Planning/Computer Aided Manu-
    facturing (CAD/CAPP/CAM) integration for progressive die de-
    sign and manufacturing [9, 10]. Very few of them, however, have
    focused on the systematic insert representation and design au-
    tomation for the reduction of design lead-time.
    To develop a progressive die design system with a high de-
    gree of automation, flexibility and accuracy, it is essential to
    have a systematic representation of the related objects and pro-
    cesses from the initial modeling to the final output. In addition,
    the complex interrelations among different objects, components
    and assembly must be set up so that various constraints and as-
    sociations can be kept automatically in the design and editing
    processes. This is especially important for the productivity im-
    provement because the change of design occurs very often due to
    either the change of product or the change of layout and tooling structure. Based on the systematic object models, rules and algo-
    rithms must be incorporated into the system to facilitate design
    automation and configuration.
    This paper focuses on the design automation of inserts,
    which are the real operating components and account for a large
    portion in the entire design procedure. The complexity, cost and
    durability of a progressive die depend largely on the number of
  1. 上一篇:机器人平台英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:电子商务营销模式英文文献和中文翻译
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