
    b.    Uncertainty estimation include the effect of calibration
    1. Performance of OMRON MC-510 Thermometer
    The relationship between reading values of MC-510 thermometer versus standard values is shown in Figure 1. The reading values of this tympanic thermometer are close to each other. The effect of ambient temperature on the reading values was inconstant. The error distribution of OMRON MC-510 thermometer at three ambient temperatures is shown in Figure 2. The error band is ±0.3 °C and the error values moves from positive to negative with the increase of standard temperature. According to the standard of the ASTM standard for allowable errors of clinical thermometers is 0.1 °C in the temperature range 37–39 °C, 0.2 °C in the temperature range 36–37 °C and 39–41 °C. The allowable error of clinical thermometers was within a band of ±0.3 °C in the range below 36 °C. From the data distribution of Figure 2, the performance of reading values was corresponding with the requirement of the ASTM standard in the temperature range below 37 °C. However, the reading values were persity in the temperature of 37.5 °C. Only the average values of several measurements could reduce the measured errors. As the higher temperature ranged higher than 38 °C, the reading values were underestimated.
    Figure 1.
    The relationship between reading values of MC-510 thermometerversus standard values.
    Figure 2.
    The error distribution of OMRON MC-510 thermometer at three ambient temperatures.
    The relationship between standard temperature values and reading values of MC-510 thermometer was established by regression analysis. The best equation is:
    Tsta=25.1634−0.4739 Tred+2.1563 T2reaR2=0.992,         s=0.1965
    where Tsta is the standard temperature and Trea is the reading temperature of IR thermometer.
    The predicted errors of calibration Equation (11) are presented in Figure 3. All the predicted errors in the range of standard temperature were below 37 °C and higher than 39 °C all within the ASTM standard. However, the predicted errors at the standard temperature of 37.5 °C revealed high spreading of the measurement. Above the standard temperature of 37 °C, the accuracy of the MC-510 infrared tympanic thermometer had improved significantly.
    Figure 3.
    The predicted errors of calibration equation of OMRON MC-510 thermometer.
    2. Performance of BRAUN IRT-3020 Thermometer
    The relationship between reading values of BRAUN IRT-3020 thermometer versus standard values is shown in Figure 4. The closeness of the data distribution at each standard temperature indicated a good replication of the performance. The error distribution of this infrared thermometer at three ambient temperatures is presented in Figure 5. The error bands were within 0.2 °C of the whole measuring range except at 37 °C. The reading values of IRT-3020 thermometer could meet the requirements of the ASTM standard in the range below 37 °C. Above the standard temperature of 37 °C, the errors values of this thermometer were higher than the ASTM standard.
    Figure 4.
    The relationship between reading values of BRAUN IRT-3020 thermometer versus standard values.
    Figure 5.
    The error distribution of BRAUN IRT-3020 thermometer at three ambient temperatures.
    The relationship between standard values and reading values of IRT-3020 thermometer was established by regression analysis. The adequate equation is:
    Tsta=0.2637+0.9871 Tred   R2=0.999,         s=0.0696
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