
    Figure 1 shows contours of the pressure and film thickness obtained from an EHL analysis for the worm design considered in the paper at one particular position of the worm. Also shown is the wear rate calculated by application of Eq. (2). The contact is quite heavily loaded in EHL terms with the area subject to significant hydrodynamic pressure largely restricted to the area that would carry the load in dry contact. The film thickness over this dry contact area has the characteristics of an EHL contact but these are distorted by the sweeping nature of the entrainment velocity vector as discussed at length in [2]. The central film thickness is about 0.45
  1. 上一篇:梁上粘贴网状FRP的梁柱节点英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:U型管式换热器英文文献和中文翻译
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