    What is server-side programming? Integrate applications. In any given enterprise, it is not uncommon to find several applications developed over years that are used for executing different business tasks. You may even find that such stand-alone applications are maintained by different departments of enterprises and developed using different programming languages and technologies. To some extent, such applications were a result of the drive to decentralize businesses from mainframe-based applications. However, as we discussed earlier, one of the requirements encountered by almost all enterprises today is the ability to internetwork such applications so that business workflows can be established across the enterprise.  To elaborate further, let us take the case of a traditional retail business  collecting orders for products via a call center, surface mail, etc. Let us assume that an order-entry application is used to record all orders (in a database) captured via these channels. Let us also assume that the company has developed an in-house order-fulfillment application, which takes the orders recorded in the database and conducts whatever tasks are need to fulfill each order. These two applications are stovepiped because each of these applications addresses specific business tasks in a decoupled manner without any knowledge of the overall business flow. In this case, the overall business flow is to receive (and enter) orders, and then to fulfill each of the orders. Such stovepiped applications cannot, inpidually, implement the end-to-end business flow. In order to implement this, you need to integrate the applications such that the order-entry application can automatically trigger the fulfillment application, directly or indirectly. This is the enterprise application integration18 problem, but there are several ways to achieve such integration. One way is to make the order-entry application invoke (or notify) the fulfillment application directly after an order has been captured. The fulfillment application can then start the fulfillment activities thereby streamlining a business flow across these applications.32409
    Published by MightyWords, Inc.
    B.原文的翻译  服务器端的程序是什么?
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