
    Casual handling practices that are inconsequen-tial with steel cables can cause damage or breakageof CFRP tendons.5. In two ultimate load tests of bending-strength-criticalbeam designs, the CFRP cable behaved predictably.Both of the 12.19 m beams exhibited extensive crack-ing and large de¯ections before failure of the tendonsoccurred at load levels that correlate well with analyt-ical predictions based on 3450 MPa e€ective tendonstrength. An ultimate center de¯ection of over230 mm (length/53) was obtained in one four-pointbending test.6. Tension cracking of the beams during loadingoccurred at a lower than predicted load. Possibleexplanations include the following:(i) prestress losses were greater that the assumedvalues;(ii) the modulus of rupture of the high-strengthconcrete was lower than the value predicted byAASHTO equations.7. Shear stirrups made of GFRP rebar were used in thetest beams. No failure of these stirrups occurred dur-ing load testing or upon failure of the beams. The lowaxial modulus of GFRP rebar compared to steel (1/5as sti€) and the lower shear strength and sti€ness sug-gest that design relationships used for steel shear rein-forcement may need revision for application toGFRP products.AcknowledgementsProgram funding was provided by the Ohio Board ofRegents Research Challenge Program. Tensioning gripswere obtained on loan from ISIS Canada. Beam testingwas sponsored by the US Air Force Research Labora-tory (AFRL/MLBC).
    1、    介绍
  1. 上一篇:标准路基拓宽工程英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:暖通空调系统故障检测英文文献和中文翻译
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