
    (milkrun), lean tools applied in an assembly line. The study
    is focused on a specific products family, an injection valve.
    2 Brief literature review
    Lean manufacturing has received ample attention in
    academic literature and practical performance, from how
    the lean production concept was formulated and dissemi-
    nated [19] until recent comprehensive literature review [3,
    15, 16]. In them, a common topic appears, that is, the need
    to explore the implementation and performance relation-
    ship with a practical focus and with a definition of the
    context because the results depend on the manufacturing
    However, it has been defined from a macroscopic or
    organizational viewpoint [3]. We affirm that it is not
    possible to define the context without including the product
    and the manufacturing process, at least from an operational
    and technological perspective. In this sense, a real and
    detailed case study provides the sufficient items to valuate
    the implementation and under what conditions, allowing the
    benchmarking between practical of companies. It is
    possible to find analysis of case studies about steel
    production [7], forging processes [9], aircraft manufactur-
    ing [15], or assembly lines of vehicles [1]; although the last
    one has been studied deeply, some criticisms can be found
    in the literature due to lack of resulting data [19]. Their
    methodology is similar, using lean tools, and they are
    adapted to the study variables, but the improvement point
    and the results achieved are different. Furthermore, in line
    with Milterburg [20], how an implementation can be done
    is a subject that benefits from research. In addition, “a line
    of interesting researches is one that follows real one-piece
    flow production systems over time to learn what problems
    are most difficult at different points in time, how these
    problems are solved” [20].
    Currently, assembly lines are still fundamental to get the
    smoothing of production system [20], and they are studied
    under several operative perspectives seeking its flexibility
    [21, 22]. Both concepts are subjects of pull systems. In
    assembly lines, pull and lean systems are concepts
    frequently connected, although they pursue different objec-
    tives; pull system toward the reduction of work-in-process
    (WIP) and lean system toward minimizing the buffer
    variability [23]. Moreover, with respect to the election of
    production control system in a pull system, the alternatives
    considered are focused on kanban [24] and constant work-
    in-process (CONWIP) [25], both of them focused toward
    the reduction of WIP. Although some authors have
    observed the advantages of the CONWIP with respect to
    the kanban [25, 26], others argue that when the total
    number of cards in both systems is equivalent, the average
    WIP will can be less in the kanban system, being the
    appropriate distribution of kanbans a relevant element to
    get the minimum WIP [27]. Besides, kanban allows
    maintaining the flexibility of the system [28] and also, in
    favor of kanban, Yang [26] found that kanban is a system
    more flexible and that “CONWIP may require a larger
    storage space between alternate stations because all full
    containers may gather between any pair of alternate
    stations.” On the other hand, kanban and pull are still
    considered synonymous by practitioners [16]. So, in a small
    space, we suggest that the better option is a kanban system.
    Once more, we can appreciate that similar systems can give
    different solutions, hence the importance to detail how the
    line assembly runs and what processes and operations are
    carried out.
    Although many tools exist, from its origin, VSM has
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