    [57] ABSTRACT  A printer system is con?gured as a kit for retro?tting  the input consoles of existing letter sorting machines of  the type used by the US. Postal Service. Such machines  require that an operator, stationed at a console, enter  sorting information for each mail piece, by way of a  manually actuated keyboard. The present invention  expands the processing capabilities of the machines by  imprinting machine-readable, coded information on the  respective faces of the mail pieces simultaneously with  the sorting thereof. At the same time, the printing func  tion does not impair or modify the usual operator-con  trolled console when mail is processed which does not  requlre Such °°dmg  10 Claims, 6 Drawing Figures 4,606,660 1  PRINTER KIT FOR LE'I'I‘ER SORTING  MACHINES  BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION  The U.S. Postal Service has approximately 800 multi  ple-position letter sorting machines, MPLSM’s, such as  the Series Nos. 120 and 140, in use in postal facilities  throughout the United States. Each sorting machine  includes 12 operator-manned coding consoles which  serve as input devices for the delivery of mail into the  MPLSM for the sortation and distribution thereof to  any of 277 destination receptacles. Each letter must pass  before an operator who reads the address and enters  certain address information into the machine via a key  board while the mail piece is automatically deposited in  a letter-conveying cart compartment. The cart and the  address data in memory are then instrumental in the  delivery of the mail piece to its designated receptacle.  36026
    It has been observed that the ?exibility and utility of  letter sorting machines might be extended if they could  be provided with the ability to automatically print the  address information pre-coded in machine readable  form on the face of the mail piece. The consoles would  serve as document handling input devices having an  automatic print capability. However, this automation  would only be bene?cial if it did not impair or modify  existing operator-controlled console operation when  the processing does not entail the bar-coding of letter  mail.  The present invention meets the foregoing criteria in  providing for the conversion of the MPLSM’s to in  crease their processing capabilities.  SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION  In accordance with the present invention, a letter  sorting machine of improved utility and ?exibility is  provided. Basically, this is achieved through the incor  poration of a print station into the input console of the  machine and the provision of an electrical interface to  permit the MPLSM to accept either the manually  inputted keyboard information or the‘information de  rived from the printer interface.  Structurally, the print station is conveniently located  on the input console adjacent the normal viewing area  associated with the operator keyboard entry. The mail  piece is advanced past the viewing area and is conveyed  through the print station.  Electrically, the current letter sorting machine uti  lizes a device known as an “Expanded ZIP Retro?t” to  automatically direct mail to its proper bin designation.  The present invention provides an electrical interface,  designated hereinafter as a “Console Code Printer In  terface” which accepts manual keyboard data and  through the application of circuit logic provides output  data in the format utilized by the manual keyboard. In  this way, no modi?cation of the “Expanded ZIP Retro  ?t” portion of the machine is required to shift from  manual to automatic operation, or vice versa.  The present invention comprises, in effect, a retro?t  table console printer kit for use on the input consoles of  letter sorting machines. A number of advantages accrue  to the letter sorting operation through the application of  the invention. For example, bar coding of the mail on  line permits continued utilization of the large depth of  sort inherent in the MPLSM. The bar coding can take  place as part of the mail sorting process.
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