
    having a size on the order of 0.01 to 0.1 ptm and volume
    fraction of the particles between 20% and 60% [9,10]. The
    electro-rheological effect arises from the difference in the
    dielectric constants of the fluid and particles. In the presence
    of an electric field, the particles, due to an induced dipole
    moment, form chains along the field lines. The induced
    structure changes the ERF's viscosity, yield stress, and other
    properties, allowing the ERF to change consistency from
    that of a liquid to something that is viscoelastic (such as a
    gel) at response time on the order of milliseconds. ERF
    properties of high yield stress, low current density, and fast
    response (less than 1 ms) offer essential characteristics for
    the construction of rehabilitation devices. ERFs can apply
    very high electrically controlled resistive forces while their
    size (weight and geometric parameters) can be very small.
    ERFs are not abrasive, non-toxic, and non-polluting (meet
    health and safety regulations).
    Control over a fluid's rheological properties offers the
    promise of many possibilities in engineering for control of
    mechanical motion. The use of ERFs for tactile sensing in
    robotic fingers was proposed in [11]. Based on that work,
    several researchers proposed the use of ERFs in tactile
    arrays used to interact with virtual environments [12] and
    also as assistive devices for the blind to read the Braille
    system [13]. A 5x5 ERF tactile array was developed in [14].
    An ERF-based planar force-feedback manipulator system
    that interacts with a virtual environment was studied in [15].
    An ERF-based force-feedback joystick has been developed
    in the Fraunhofer-Institut in Germany [16]. The use of ERF
    resistive elements and brakes in rehabilitation has been very
    limited. The few rehabilitations devices employing ERF
    elements that have been developed so far were fixed based,
    non-portable, non-wearable systems [17-19].
    Very similar to ERFs are the Magneto-Rheological
    Fluids (MRFs) whose rheological properties change with
    variations of a magnetic field instead of an electric field.
    Several MRF based haptic / force resistive systems have
    been described in [20-23]. Lower limb prosthetic systems
    using MRF brakes have been developed [24-26]. Some
    rehabilitation devices using MRF brake / damper systems
    have also been proposed [27, 28].
    In this paper we present a novel ERF based active knee
    rehabilitation orthotic device that presents high portability
    and offers very accurate computer control and monitoring of
    resistive torque and motion.
    AKROD is composed of the following main
    components: a) ERF-based brake; b) brace and gear
    assembly and c) sensors. To set the design goals for the knee
    device, peak torque during extension in isometric exercises
    was used as the benchmark. This has been shown to be on
    average, 172 Nm for healthy men and 112 Nm for healthy
    women [29]. Since the torques necessary for walking are
    less than these maximum capabilities, 172 Nm at 5 kV was
    set as the designed torque output for the knee device (Note:
    5kV is the maximum output voltage from the power supply
    that is used). Therefore, for an operating maximum voltage
    of the ERF at 3kV, the torque capabilities of the AKROD
    are equal to 78 Nm. With the knee moment assumed to be
    75 Nm/kg, AKROD is able to support an inpidual of 104
    kg (approximately 229 lbs). This is sufficient to be used
    with most of the stroke population. Below we provide
    design details for AKROD's components and we present the
    first prototype developed.
    ERF- Brake
    The ERF brake uses a resistive smart fluid element
    (RSFE) to modulate the device resistive torque. The RSFE
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