

    2.Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction 

    Banking industry has realized the significance of customer-centered philosophies and is turning to quality management approaches to help managing their businesses. Many scholars and service marketers have explored consumers’ cognitive and affective responses to the perception of service attributes in order to benefit by providing what consumers need in an effective and efficient manner. Consumer satisfaction is considered the primary intervening constructs in the area of service marketing because ultimately it leads to the  development of consumer loyalty or re-patronization of a product or service (Ravichandran et al., 2010). 

    Service quality and customer satisfaction are very important concepts, which must understand by companies  that want to grow while keeping their competitive edge. In the modern competitive environments, delivering high service quality is the key for a sustainable competitive advantage. Customer satisfaction has a positive effect on an organization’s profitability. Satisfied customers of any business repeat purchase, show brand loyalty, and give positive word of mouth. Many models have been  developed to measure service quality delivered by firms in numerous businesses. It is important to review service quality models because of its relation with customer satisfaction. Thus, service quality has become a major area of interest of practitioners, managers and researchers because of its impact on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and of course, company profitability (Zekiri, 2011).Therefore, in this paper, main hypothesis is as follows: 

    H1: MB service quality has a significant relationship with customer satisfaction in the 

    IRAN Bank.  

    H2: Tangibility has a significant relationship with the Iran customer's satisfaction of MB services. 

    H3: Reliability has a significant relationship with the Iran customer's satisfaction of MB services. 

    H4: Responsiveness has a significant relationship with the Iran customer's satisfaction of MB services. 

    H5: Assurance has a significant relationship with the Iran customer's satisfaction of MB services. 

    H6: Empathy has a significant relationship with the Iran customer's satisfaction of MB services. 

    3.SERVQUAL Model

    The data were collected from three of the ranian Google groups (in category: School &University Groups). An online questionnaire was mailed to them. The sample size used was 120 espondents. The respondents were selected on he basic of convenience sampling. Eight demographic variables were investigated as ovariates in this research. These variables were s follow: age, gender, educational qualification, monthly income, use of mobile bank frequency, most place use of mobile bank services, most ervices used of mobile bank services, used Communication Company. Eighteen questions were developed based on SERVQUAL model. The model included questions covering five dimensions of the service that are tangibility, esponsiveness, assurance, reliability and mpathy. Likert scale was used to question the espondents on the five-point scale. The espondents were asked to rate on the scale between strongly agree and strongly disagree for measurement, customer satisfaction was designed 11 questions. One hundred seventy questionnaires were distributed and 120 were returned. The current study used a mixture of tatistical techniques to achieve the intended objective. First, descriptive statistics were mployed to analyze the profile of the espondents, which is necessary in analyzing the result. Second, Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to measure the relationship between services quality and customers satisfaction. Then, regression analysis was used to estimate the cause and effect relationship between the variables of services quality and customers satisfaction. In addition, factor analysis technique was used as a preliminary stage to logistic regression analysis. SPSS 19 software was used to accomplish all the above-mentioned tests.  

  1. 上一篇:电子客户关系管理eCRM英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:网络营销策略英文文献和中文翻译
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