
    walls with suction pads and carry an ultrasonic NDT tool for
    inspection of the large surface of industrial utilities. In [18],
    the author presents a novel application of the Stewart-Gough
    parallel platform as a climbing robot and its kinematics
    control to climb through long structures describing unknown
    spatial trajectories, such as palm trunks, tubes, etc. In [19], the
    ROMA robot, a specially developed self-supported robot is
    built, which is designed to perform 3D complex movements
    and to navigate through metallic structures using “caterpillar”
    concept. The adhesion mechanism and architecture of a wall
    climbing robot are depended on its workspace. Our proposed
    wall climbing robot is to carry NDT tools for inspecting the
    oil tanks. We choose permanent magnetic adhesion
    mechanism and tracked locomotion mechanism, due to high
    reliability, simple control, running at a high speed, etc. As a
    wall climbing robot with permanent magnetic adhesion
    mechanism, the magnetic system is of importance, because it
    will provide reliable absorption and safety.
    The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a brief
    background and related research. Section 3 details the analysis
    of static and dynamic force about the wall climbing robot. The
    design of the magnetic system is discussed in Section 4.
    Applications of the magnetic system and experiments are
    given in Section 5. The paper is concluded in Section 6.
     According to the requirements for the wall climbing
    robot, the proposed wall climbing robot adopts permanent
    magnetic adhesion, tracked locomotion [20]. The mechanical
    architecture of the proposed wall climbing robot is shown in
    Fig.1. It includes the frame of the body, the servo motors and
    transmission system, the tracked locomotion system, the
    permanent magnetic adhesion system, and the anti-toppling
    system.  Each track is comprised of a roller chain, two
    sprockets, and some evenly arranged permanent magnetic unit.
    When the robot moves, there are always a certain number of
    units in good contact with the surface which enable the robot
    to reliably stay on it. The servo motors and the transmission
    system provide driving power for the roller chain. The anti-
    toppling system ensures the robot to safely move on the
    surface up to 10mm fluctuation. This paper will detail the
    design of magnetic circuit system.  The static and dynamic analysis of the wall climbing
    robot with permanent magnetic tracked locomotion
    mechanism is important to derive the requirements of the
    magnetic adhesion mechanism.
    A. Static Force Analysis
     If a wall climbing robot can safely move in a flat surface,
    it needs to fulfill some force constraints. The force analysis
    includes static and dynamic parts as follows.
     When the robot keeps staying on the vertical surface, it
    bears such forces as the gravity, the adhesion force between
    the permanent magnetic units, the supporting force of the
    surface, and the friction between the tracks and the surface,
    which can be denoted as G, Fmi, Ni, and Ff, respectively.
     There are 3 cases for the static force analysis when the
    robot maintains the static status on the vertical wall.
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