    Abstract:The existing research on shrinkage of the injecfion molded plastic part mainly focuses on various shrinkage ratios of the part
    dimensions,and the relevant experimental studies belong to mere dimension measurement after demouiding.Obviously,measuring after
    the plastic part is demoulded from the cavity Call not offer shrinkage displacements of points on the plastic part.However,shrinkage
    displacements of points on aninjection molded plastic part are essential for exposing the inner relation among shrinkage ratios of
    various dimensions ofthe part.So visualization of the in-mold plastic part which can indicate the location relationship betweell the part
    and the cavity is needed.In this paper,a visual injeetion mold was fabricated by adopting the half mold structure and light transmission
    manner.With the visual mold,in-mold shrinkage images of injection molded plastic parts were photographed after the plastic part
    stayed in the injection mold for 24 h.By means of digital image processing of the in-mold shrinkage images,the experimental data of
    shrinkage displacements of points on injection molded parts were researched.From the experimental data,it is found that shrinkage
    directions ofpoints on all injection molded part are related with both positions ofthe gate and ofthe part centroid,and either the gate or
    the centroid will exert more influence on the shrinkage direction of some point which is closer.Furthermore,some pDint at the later
    filled area has more shrinkage distance than the poim at the earlier filled area.Combination of shrinkage directions and shrinkage
    distances of points on an injection molded part determine shrinkage ratios for various dimensions of the part,and shrinkage directions
    are more influential to shrinkage ratios of dimensions.This experimental research of shrinkage displacements offers a unique approach
    to understand the shrinkage principles of injection molded parts.Key words:injection molding,shrinkage displacement,visual mold,light transmission
    1 Introduction 7268
    During injection molding process,the plastic part will
    shrink due to the phase change from liquid to solid,and the
    shrinkage makes the plastic part smaller than the cavity.For
    precise plastic parts,shrinkage during the injection molding
    process needs to be given careful consideration.
    Effects of processing parameters on longitudinal
    shrinkage and perpendicular shrinkage were investigated by
    POS玑~ⅥrA,et al【10 and LIAO,et al吲.POMERLEAU,et
    al■compared shrinkages f-0r different mold geometries.
    SPERANZA。et alt4j。found that shrinkage increased wim
    increasing distance from the injection point.And effects of
    plastic materialsl’J and mold materialsl01 on shrinkage have
    been reported.Previously reported experimental studies
    about shrinkage of injection molded plastic parts were
    eonducted by measuring dimensions of the plastic part and
    of the cavity after the plastic part was demoulded from the
    cavity.Although shrinkage ratios for dimension of an
    ’Corresponding author.E-mail:zhutieli@dlut.edu.c11
    This project is supported by National Key Technology R&DProgram of
    injection molded part can be obtained by above—mentioned
    method,the inner relation among different shrinkage ratios
    for various dimensions of the plastic part is not known.The
    underlying problem is that how some point of the molded
    part moves owing to plastic shrinkage is not clear.
    Obviously,shrinkage displacements of points on an
    injection molded part determine shrinkage ratios for
    various dimensions of the part.In order to know about
    shrinkage principles of injection molded parts,shrinkage
    displacements of points on an injection molded part should
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