


    The present experimental study of small aspect ratio cylinder wakes has confirmed and revealed new phenomena occuring on the vortex shedding. First, a classical hot wire anemometry study showed that even small aspect ratio (r=1/d=5) cylinder wakes still appear via Hopf bifurcations. The parameters of the bifurcation agree fairly well with the existing linear or non linear data. Following Wesfreid and co-workers, it was also proved that the spatial shape of the global mode of the wake obeys universal phase transi tion laws. This last study was realized by the use of an ultrasound anemometer that permits to avoid extended mapping of the flow. Transversal and longitudinal velocity profile measurements have been successfully performed. At 3.5 diameters downstream the cylinder, we observe the existence of a special location from where waves are emitted in the downstream and upstream directions. This may be the signature of the so-called absolute instability of the wake. The ultrasound measurements revealed also the presence of a symmetric vortex shedding. The presence of this varicose mode has then been checked by flow visualisation on a very small aspect ratio cylinder (1/d=0.5). An interpretation in terms of coupled oscillators was finally presented where the aspect ratio of the cylinders drives the coupling between the shear layers which develop on each side of the cylinders.






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