
    rate of 1.7 l/min. Eachmeasurementwas carried out during three 5-
    s intervals after the system had reached the steady state condition.
    In addition, each experiment was repeated 3 times to ensure
    experimental work repeatability. As an example, Table 1 shows the
    number of disconnections between the laser emitter and receiver
    as valve1 and valve2 were examined. The recorded data shown in
    this table were obtained for experiments where the air and water
    flow rates were 250 and 1.7 l/min, respectively. In this table, D1 to
    D3 are the number of disconnections for receivers 1–3, respectively.
    When the first receiver counts a number (D1), it means that
    only the path between the emitter and receiver1 is disconnected.
    Recording a number on the second receiver (D2) interprets that the
    plate obscures both the first and second receivers. Finally, as the
    third receiver counts a number (D3), none of the receivers can see
    the emitters. Therefore, a frequency number (FN) was defined in
    this study as follows:
    FN = D1 + 2 × D2 + 3 × D3 (1)
    where FN is a criterion for showing the oscillation frequency of the
    fluctuating plate. As an example, FN values calculated fromsample
    data presented in Table 1 are shown in Table 2.
    The two-stage nested designs were used to analyze the effect of
    the valve’s weight on the FN. One set of two-stage nested design
    was applied to consider the differences between valve1 and valve2
    while another design set was used to investigate the differences
    between valve2 and valve3. The ANOVA calculations were carried
    out for four different airflowrates. In each airflowrate, three exper-
    iments nested under the two valves. A sample of these designs is
    shown in Fig. 2. Valves are fixed and the experiments use random
    In the ANOVA method, the calculated F-values are compared
    to one-tailed F-value obtained from F-tables (Davies, 1993). For
    ensuring the repeatability of the experiments, it should be checked
    whether the FN obtained for a valve at constant conditions and dif-
    ferent time intervals (or different experiments) are different or not.
    Therefore, two-tailed F-values should be used. From F-table, the
    one-tailed F-value for ϕ1,4 with 99.9% degree of confidence and the
    摘要:在本研究中,在CFD商用软件包中实现流体体积(VOF)的方法,FLUENT6.2已被用来在阀塔板柱中的气-液流动。阀重量的影响已经使用了三个具有不同重量的阀进行研究。已使用了配备了一个浮阀塔板、一个溢流堰和两个降液管的有机玻璃塔柱。波动板已被用于测量液相内的气体分布的质量。为了证明测量结果的重复性和一致性,采用两阶段嵌套设计分析结果。从照片中得到的气泡尺寸分布可以确认,使用一种较重的阀,可以得到更多的气泡分散体,这种阀带较高压降,被接口压降性能量化。CFD预测,使用向上的动量积分(UMI)参数,还表明,采用较重的阀会增加所产生的气 - 液界面。关键词:阀门;托盘;CFD;建模;嵌套设计
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