
    (2) can not be described in a number of three-dimensional features. If they can not describe the inertia effect, gravitational effects on melt flow, which fail to predict jet phenomenon, melt the forefront of Quan phenomena.
    (3) The use of CAD phase of the product model and stages of the use of CAE analysis model is not unified, so that the inevitable second modeling, CAD and CAE systems integration can not be achieved.
    5 Moldflow's Fusion analysis
    Fusion (double flow) analysis technique is based on Moldflow's patented Dual Domain of analysis techniques. Fusion launched in 2000, analysis techniques, enabling users do not need to extract the neutral surface can be analyzed, to overcome the reconstruction of the geometric model, thus greatly reducing the burden on the user modeling. Grid is also a triangular element, and its principle is to mold cavity or the products in the thickness direction is pided into two parts, finite element mesh on the surface of the cavity or the products. In the flow process, the upper and lower surface of the plastic melt at the same time two and to coordinate movement of the simulation shown .
    Clearly, Fusion technology, the surface of the grid is based on the neutral surface is still not solve the fundamental problem the neutral surface, so double-sided application of the principle of streaming technologies and methods applied in the surface flow with no difference in the nature, the The difference is two-sided flow using a series of related algorithms, will flow along the surface of the single-stranded melts evolved along the upper and lower surface of the coordination of the flow of dual-stream.
    Double-sided flow of technology's biggest advantage is that the model greatly shorten the preparation time, thus greatly reducing the burden on the user modeling, will take several hours or even days of the original modeling work reduced to a few minutes. Therefore, based on double-sided flow simulation software technology, although the advent of time, only a few years, but in the world but has a huge user base, get the majority of customers for their support and praise.
    But the double-sided flow of technology has the following deficiencies:
    (1) The two-sided flow of technology does not fundamentally resolve the issue of a neutral face, they still can not describe some three-dimensional features, such as the inertial effect can not describe gravity effect on the melt flow, which fail to predict jet phenomenon, melt cutting-edge Quanyong phenomena.
    (2) the upper and lower surfaces corresponding to the melt flow front there are differences. As the upper and lower surface of the grid can not be one correspondence, but the grid shape, orientation and size can not be completely symmetrical, so how the upper and lower surfaces corresponding to the difference between the melt flow front control is within the scope permitted by Difficulties in the implementation of double-sided streaming technology.
    (3) melt is only along the upper and lower surface flows, in the thickness direction is not to make any treatment, lack of realism.
    6 Moldflow's 3D analysis techniques
    These two techniques have overlooked the thickness direction of the physical quantity, only two-dimensional simulation, and therefore results are not very precise. Moldflow Corporation's 3D (3D) analysis technology uses a true three-dimensional solid model flow analysis techniques, through rigorous theoretical derivation and repeated verification, the inertial effect, non-isothermal flow, taking into account factors such as finite element analysis, the melt thickness direction of the physical quantity changes will no longer be ignored, can be a more comprehensive description of the process of filling flow phenomena, so that results of the analysis more realistic conditions, applicable to all plastic products. Its three-dimensional grid is from the four-node tetrahedron unit. And using the new 3D stereoscopic display technology, can quickly model clearly shows that internal and external flow field, temperature field, stress field and velocity field such as analysis results. For the above-mentioned results of the analysis can also be used such as bit lines or equipotential surface display, so that physical models and external changes in the variables show more clearly the case, Moldfiow also offers animation capabilities, through 3D animation display plastic melt in the changes in the flow cavity, allowing users to more intuitively see the design and manufacturing process may encounter problems.
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