
    The field of application for journal bearing s is immense. The crankshaft and connecting rod bearings of an automotive engine must poerate for thousands of miles at high temperatures and under varying load conditions . the journal bearings used in the steam turbines of power generating station is said to have reliabilities approaching 100 percent. At the other extreme there are thousands of applications in which the loads are light and the service relatively unimportant. a simple ,easily installed bearing is required ,suing little or no lubrication. In such cases an antifriction bearing might be a poor answer because because of the cost, the close ,the radial space required ,or the increased inertial effects. Recent metallurgy developments in bearing materials , combined with increased knowledge of the lubrication process, now make it possible to design journal bearings with satisfactory lives and very good reliabilities.                


    1. Chambers T. L., Parkinson A. R., 1998, “Knowledge Representation and Conversion of HybridExpert Systems.” Transactions of the ASME, v 120,pp 468-474

    2. Koelsch, James R., 1999, “Software boosts mold design efficiency“ Molding Systems,v57, n 3,p 16-23.

    3. Lee, Rong-Shean, Chen, Yuh-Min, Lee, Chang-Zou,1997 “Development of a concurrent molddesign system: A knowledge-based approach”, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, v 10,n 4, p 287-307

    4. Steadman Sally, Pell Kynric M, 1995, “ Expert systems in engineering design: An application forinjection molding of plastic parts“ Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, v6, p 347-353.

    5. Fernandez A., Castany J., Serraller F., Javierre C., 1997, “CAD/CAE assistant for the design ofmolds and prototypes for injection of thermoplastics “Information Technological, v 8, p 117-124.

    6. Douglas M Bryce, 1997, “Plastic injection molding -Material selection and product design”, v 2,pp 1-48.

    7. Douglas M Bryce, 1997, “Plastic injection molding-Mold design fundamentals”, v2, pp 1-120


     现在看来,有很多这种情况,许多学生在被问到关于摩擦的问题时,往往都没引起足够的重视,甚至是忽视它。实际上,摩擦从某种程度上说,存在于任何两个相接 触并有相对运动趋势的部件之间。而摩擦这个词,本身就意着,两个或两个以上部件的阻止相对运动趋势。

     在一个机器中,运动部件的摩擦是有害的,因为它降低了机械对能量的充分利用。由它引起的热能是一种浪费的能 量。因为不能用它做任何事情。还有,它还需要更大的动力来克服这种不断增大的摩擦。热能是有破坏性的。因为它产生了膨胀。而膨胀可以使得轴承或滑 动表面之间的配合更紧密。如果因为膨胀导致了一个足够大的积压力,那么,这个轴承就可能会卡死或密封死。另外,随着温度的升高,如果不是耐高温材料制造的轴承,就可能会损坏甚至融化。





    启动摩擦是两个固体之间产生的倾向于组织其相对运动趋势的摩擦。当两个固体处于静止状态时,这两个零件表面的不平度 倾向于相互嵌入,形成楔入作用,为了使这些部件“动”起来。这些静止部件的凹谷和尖峰必须整理光滑,而且能相互抵消。这两个表面之间越不光滑,由运动造成的启动摩擦(最大静摩擦力)就会越大。


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