
    The potential model becomes nonlinear because of the specific flow boundary conditionswhich involve a moving free-surface boundary, whose vertical displacement field is a partof the solution. The original nonlinear flow model is linearized according to the Neumann-Kelvin formulation described in Bassanini et al. (1994) obtained by neglecting the squaredterms of the potential function and by applying the free-surface condition to the calm waterlevel. The linearized flow model is discretized according to the standard panel methodapproach.The next two sections will briefly review the main results of both the continuum anddiscrete flow model formulations.3.1. Continuum form of the potential flow modelThe distribution of sources is found by decomposing the potential   into its componentsof uniform stream Vx and of perturbation potential ϕ to yield  = Vx + ϕ (1)Under this assumptions, the perturbation potential ϕ at each point P of the semi-infinite3D space, bounded by the ship hull surface and the water free-surface, can be found by theintegral relationϕ(P) = Sσ(Q)G(P − Q) dS = Sσ(Q)r (P − Q)dS (2)where σ(Q)is the source strength at a generic point Q taken at the boundary of the integrationdomain; S is the sum of the ship hull and free-surface surface areas. The Green function Gspecific to the flow problem of interest is defined asG(P − Q) = 1r (P − Q)(3)where r (P − Q)is the Euclidean norm between point P and Q.To uniquely identify the distribution of source strengths compatible with the given flowproblem, one enforces the Neumann type boundary condition at the ship hull surface:



    1. 引言



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