
    Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

    machines with this device. Furthermore, shearing machines   produ-

    cers have a new device to commercialize and the customers have a

    Advantages Low cost Positioning versatility High accuracy

    Easy installation Accurate following cutting

    Front extraction

    Front extraction

    new solution able to solve a systematic problem when cutting thin sheet metal plates.

    The   best   achieved   solution   is   based   in   four  servo-pneumatic

    cylinders,  which  allow  a  complete  and  coordinated  movement of

    the  holding system  by  adequate electronic  control  of  the  same. A


    Positioning limitation High cost Positioning

    low-cost solution can be adopted, using conventional cylinders   and


    Space available for cylinders installation


    needing an accurate positioning  control.

    All the solutions presented through this work are able to be used and a prototype has been built using the low cost solution, proving that it

    works very well, allowing different inclination speeds by program-

    with   four   cylinders   and   a  PLC   (Programmable   Logic Controller)

    properly programmed, allows a controlled movement of that holder which will accompany closely the evolution of the shear blade during the cutting process from one side to the other, avoiding deformations in the last portion of the cut strip when it is thin and wide. The following conclusions can be drawn:

    This technical device can be easily implemented in any shearing machine, new or already in service, does not needing changes in  the

    general arrangement.

    This  is  an  innovative  system,  able  to  be  easily     commercialized

    ming the control unit. The adjustment of the position is made in real-time by the control unit through a feedback position   signal.

    The  maintenance  of  the  system  was  thought  in  order  to  keep it


    This novel device will help ensure the parallel arrangement between the front and the rear face of the cut metal strip which is the main

    purpose of this work.


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