
    C.-H. She et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 177 (2006) 138–141 141

    Fig. 4. The graphical output of the measured result.

    error and the surface normal direction. Note that the points shown in red colour, e.g. P1, P3, P4, ... ,P22, are out of tol- erance. If the user clicks the “View NG Point” button, only the NG points will be displayed. Once the punch and the die are mea- sured, the “Spotting Clearance” button can combine the data for the punch and the die to calculate the spotting clearance. In gen- eral, the die maker repairs the stamping die on the spotting press using the red lead and hand repair tool. Since the spotting pro- cedure is usually performed many times, the spotting clearance is the important guidance for the die tryout.

    6. Conclusion

    A computer-aided measuring integration system for the sheet metal stamping die has been successfully developed, imple- mented and verified on an industrial stamping die. The proposed system is a CAD-based CMM software and analysis system that can analyze the NURBS surface and generate the DMIS output program. The CAD model of the die, the probe path and the projected dimensional error can be dynamically shown on the screen using the OpenGL language to assist the user to view the results easily and quickly. The result of this study can shorten the time-to-market effectively and increase the competitiveness for the mold and die industry.


    The authors are grateful to the National Science Council of Taiwan and Drewloong Precision Machinery for supporting this

    research under grant NSC 91-2622-E-212-009-CC3 and NSC 92-2622-E-212-012-CC3. The authors also would like to thank Jui-Li Enterprise for use of the CMM equipment and stamp- ing die. Thanks are also extended to graduate students Mr. Chen-Chih Yang and Mr. Ho-Pao Chang for their experimen- tal assistance.

    摘要:本文根据设计和制造特点的要求,开发了基于CAD三坐标测量机(CMM)软件和分析系统的金属板料冲压模具。该系统可以分析NURBS IGES格式模具表面模型和DMIS格式以及探针路径模拟生成测量程序。此外,该系统通过集成的模具CAD模型和测量信息显示的测量位置和尺寸误差,已经开发完成了窗口图形界面。它不仅可以用于模具质量的诊断,而且还可以改善车间工艺和提供模具抛光指导。实际测量的一组工业薄板冲压模具的CMM验证所开发的系统的有效性。


    毕业论文关键词: 冲压模具; 坐标测量机


    1. 介绍



    使用CMM测量自由曲面是十分困难的,因为表面法线方向的探测点要计算以补偿探头的直径。有必要采用CAD引导技术产生探测点和探测路径。以作者的了解,各种研究已验证了开发一个CMM检查路径规划和已经解决了发展的CMM系统专用的冲压模具。另一方面,目前大多数商业CMM包如PC-DMIS ,卡普斯和silma CAMIO支持CAD指导检查计划。但是,他们是通用包装年龄设计的自由曲面表示的各种组件是十分昂贵的。来!自~751论-文|网www.751com.cn

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